Cocoapods Dependency

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A CocoaPods plugin which analyzes the dependencies of any cocoapods projects. Subspecs are properly handled.



$ gem install cocoapods-dependency


The command should be executed in directory that contains podfile.

# put the analyze result to console
$ pod dependency

# write te analyze result to a readable HTML
$ pod dependency --visual

Why this gem?

Suppose you have a project with a simple dependency,

```ruby podfile target 'Test' do pod 'Texture', '2.7' end

It seems like this project has just a single dependency, but behind this pod, it may depend on several other pods and these other pods may also depend on some other pods as well πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ, it's hard to determine what the exactly dependency situation of the project with just a glance of the podfile. So I wrote this it to do this thing.

- βœ… It can print all the dependencies
- βœ… Each dependecy's dependencies can also be printed
- βœ… Subspecs are properly handled, `pod 'Texture', '2.7'` and `pod 'Texture', '2.7', subspecs: %w[PINRemoteImage IGListKit Yoga]` will lead to different results


- [X] Lift it to a cocoapods-plugin
- [X] Pretty printed result

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](