
A CocoaPods plugin for integrating Cocoa projects with Bugsnag, an error tracking and resolution tool. When installed, the plugin will add a Run Script build phase to your project workspace to upload your dSYM files so the Bugsnag service can provide you with symbolicated stack traces.


cocoapods-bugsnag is available via RubyGems. To install, run:

gem install cocoapods-bugsnag

Installing from Source

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run bundle install from the root of the repository (installing bundler if needed)
  3. Build the gem using gem build cocoapods-bugsnag.gemspec
  4. Install the gem using gem install cocoapods-bugsnag-<version>.gem


To add the build phase to your project, add pod 'Bugsnag', and plugin 'cocoapods-bugsnag' to your Podfile:

pod 'Bugsnag'
plugin 'cocoapods-bugsnag'

Then, install with:

pod install

Once added, uploading your dSYM files to Bugsnag will occur automatically.

By default, your Bugsnag API key will either be read from the BUGSNAG_API_KEY environment variable or from the :bugsnag:apiKey (or BugsnagAPIKey) value in your Info.plist. Alternatively edit the script in the new "Upload Bugsnag dSYM" build phase in Xcode.



This module is free software released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for details.