
Gem Gem CI Maintainability

Tools for working with Component Based Rails Apps (see Includes tools for graphing both Ruby and Javascript components in an application and their relationships, as well as selectively testing components based on changes made.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cobra_commander'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cobra_commander

Usage (cobra help)

  cobra changes [--results=RESULTS] [--branch=BRANCH]  # Prints list of changed files
  cobra exec [component] <command>                     # Executes the command in the context of a given component or set of components. If no component is given executes the command in all components.
  cobra graph [component]                              # Outputs a graph of a given component or umbrella
  cobra help [COMMAND]                                 # Describe available commands or one specific command
  cobra ls [component]                                 # Lists the components in the context of a given component or umbrella
  cobra tree [component]                               # Prints the dependency tree of a given component or umbrella
  cobra version                                        # Prints version

  -a, [--app=APP]
                             # Default: /Users/chjunior/workspace/power/cobra_commander
      [--js], [--no-js]      # Consider only the JS dependency graph
      [--ruby], [--no-ruby]  # Consider only the Ruby dependency graph

cobra changes

➜  nitro git:(nova/remove-cobra-commander) be cobra help changes
  cobra changes [--results=RESULTS] [--branch=BRANCH]

  -r, [--results=RESULTS]    # Accepts test, full, name or json
                             # Default: test
  -b, [--branch=BRANCH]      # Specified target to calculate against
                             # Default: master
  -a, [--app=APP]
                             # Default: /Users/chjunior/workspace/power/nitro
      [--js], [--no-js]      # Consider only the JS dependency graph
      [--ruby], [--no-ruby]  # Consider only the Ruby dependency graph

Prints list of changed files

cobra exec

  cobra exec [component] <command>

      [--dependencies], [--no-dependencies]  # Run the command on each dependency of a given component
      [--dependents], [--no-dependents]      # Run the command on each dependency of a given component
  -a, [--app=APP]
                                             # Default: /Users/chjunior/workspace/power/cobra_commander
      [--js], [--no-js]                      # Consider only the JS dependency graph
      [--ruby], [--no-ruby]                  # Consider only the Ruby dependency graph

Executes the command in the context of a given component or set of components. If no component is given executes the command in all components.

cobra graph

  cobra graph [component]

  -o, [--output=OUTPUT]      # Output file, accepts .png or .dot
                             # Default: /Users/chjunior/workspace/power/cobra_commander/output.png
  -a, [--app=APP]
                             # Default: /Users/chjunior/workspace/power/cobra_commander
      [--js], [--no-js]      # Consider only the JS dependency graph
      [--ruby], [--no-ruby]  # Consider only the Ruby dependency graph

Outputs a graph of a given component or umbrella

cobra ls

  cobra ls [component]

  -d, [--dependencies], [--no-dependencies]  # Run the command on each dependency of a given component
  -D, [--dependents], [--no-dependents]      # Run the command on each dependency of a given component
  -t, [--total], [--no-total]                # Prints the total count of components
  -a, [--app=APP]
                                             # Default: /Users/chjunior/workspace/power/cobra_commander
      [--js], [--no-js]                      # Consider only the JS dependency graph
      [--ruby], [--no-ruby]                  # Consider only the Ruby dependency graph

Lists the components in the context of a given component or umbrella

cobra tree

  cobra tree [component]

  -a, [--app=APP]
                             # Default: /Users/chjunior/workspace/power/cobra_commander
      [--js], [--no-js]      # Consider only the JS dependency graph
      [--ruby], [--no-ruby]  # Consider only the Ruby dependency graph

Prints the dependency tree of a given component or umbrella


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You will also need to install graphviz by running brew install graphviz. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to

Bundled App

In order to maintain the features around umbrella apps and specially changes, a bundled umbrella app repo is included in this repository. This repo is compacted by tar/gzip in order to keep isolation, the format was chosen to avoid issues described in To avoid the same issues, the workflow for this fixture app is the following:

  1. unpack it somewhere outside your repo
  2. do your changes and commit (locally only, it doesn't have a remote)
  3. from within the app run tar cfz path/to/cobra/spec/fixtures/app.tgz .


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.