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The categories used in the Classification of Chinese Standards ("CCS") are accessible via this gem.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'cnccs'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cnccs


Fetching CCS data:

# Fetch field
ccs = Cnccs.fetch fieldcode: "J"
ccs.code        # => "J"
ccs.fieldcode   # => "J"
ccs.description "机械"
ccs.notes # => ""

# Fetch group
ccs = Cnccs.fetch fieldcode: "J", groupcode: "90/99"
ccs.code             # => "J90/99"
ccs.groupcode        # => "90/99"
ccs.description      # => "活塞式内燃机与其他动力设备"
ccs.description_full # => "机械;活塞式内燃机与其他动力设备"
ccs.fieldcode        # => "J"
ccs.notes            # => [
  #<Cnccs::Note:XXX @text="汽车专用发动机入{ccs-code}", @ccs_code="T10/19">,
  #<Cnccs::Note:XXX @text="船舶专用发动机入{ccs-code}", @ccs_code="U40/44">,
  #<Cnccs::Note:XXX @text="航天专用发动机入{ccs-code}", @ccs_code="V30/34">,
  #<Cnccs::Note:XXX @text="铁路机车专用发动机入{ccs-code}", @ccs_code="V72">,
  #<Cnccs::Note:XXX @text="动车专用发动机入{ccs-code}", @ccs_code="S40/49">,
  #<Cnccs::Note:XXX @text="发电用动力设备入{ccs-code}", @ccs_code="K50/59">,


# Fetch subgroup
ccs = Cnccs.fetch subgroupcode: "J98"
ccs.code             # => "J98"
ccs.fieldcode        # => "J"
ccs.groupcode        # => "90/99"
ccs.subgroupcode     # => "98"
ccs.description      # => "锅炉及其辅助设备"
ccs.description_full # => "机械;活塞式内燃机与其他动力设备:锅炉及其辅助设备"
ccs.notes            # => [
  #<Cnccs::Note:XXX @text="电站锅炉,工业锅炉、余热锅炉、热水锅炉等及其辅助设备。", @ccs_code=nil>,
  #<Cnccs::Note:XXX @text="锅炉高能点火器入 {ccs-code}", @ccs_code="T37">,
  #<Cnccs::Note:XXX @text="煤的粉碎、推进机械,锅炉用水处理设备、罐内水处理剂配方等入此。", @ccs_code=nil>,

note = ccs.notes[1]
note.text            # => "锅炉高能点火器入 {ccs-code}"
note.ccs_code        # => "T37"
note.ccs.description # => "点火装置"

# Fetch by code
ccs = Cnccs.fetch "J98"
ccs.description_full # => "机械;活塞式内燃机与其他动力设备:锅炉及其辅助设备"


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to [](


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](