Gem Version


This gem's purpose is to allow easy integration between the Commutatus javascript library cm-page-builder and any Rails application that requires storing and editing content through Rails-rendered webpages.


  • Rails 6+
  • Webpacker must be enabled in the project

Initial setup:

  • Add the following lines to the gemfile: ruby gem 'react-rails', '~> 2.6.0' gem 'cm_page_builder-rails' And then execute: bash $ bundle
  • Follow all react-rails installation instructions ( Important: ensure that the hello_world example successfully works

  • Add the javascript package with yarn add [email protected]

  • Run rails cm_page_builder_rails:install:migrations

  • In config/routes.rb, mount the endpoint with the line mount CmPageBuilder::Rails::Engine => "/cm_page_builder"

  • Initialize the layout


This package comes with a concern, CmPageBuilder::Rails::HasCmContent include CmPageBuilder::Rails::HasCmContent To activate this module, add include CmPageBuilder::Rails::HasCmContent on top of any model file that should have an associated rich text field.

Setting up CORS for aws

Do this or the direct upload capabilities won't work

Building the gem

gem build cm_page_builder-rails.gemspec gem push cm_page_builder-rails-0.1.x.gem


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.