CLUB -- Command-line Utility for Business

CLUB is a tool that I wrote to move the majority of the applications I use for business into the command line. Most notably, I wanted to be able to track my time from the command-line because it reduces the friction I experience when trying to track my time appropriately.

Time Tracking

CLUB's first role is in tracking time.

Starting a timer

Starting an unnamed timer:

club time go

Stopping an unnamed timer:

club time stop

Starting a named timer:

club time go <name>

Starting a timer scoped to a specific project:

club time go --project <abbrev>

Starting a timer with known duration:

club time go --end 30m

Starting a pomodoro cycle (25 on, 5 off):

club time go --pomo


  • TimeChunk
    • Holds started_time, time_elapsed, scheduled_end_time, name, state, reference to project
  • Project
    • Long name, abbreviation