CloudFactory Gem

A ruby library to interact with the CloudFactory RESTFul API.

Currently tested with:

  • ruby-1.9.2-p180

Getting Started

gem install cloudfactory

After installing the gem, you will get a cf cmd tool.

Generate a line

  cf line generate first-line

Change the api_key in the generated first-line/line.yml file. Then run cf production start first-line-run --input-data=first-line-run.csv This should create a line and do production run.

± cf                                                                                                                                                                                                
  cf form             # Commands to generate custom task forms. For more info, cf form help
  cf help [TASK]      # Describe available tasks or one specific task
  cf line             # Commands to manage the Lines. For more info, cf line help
  cf login --url=URL  # Setup the cloudfactory credentials
  cf production       # Commands to create production runs. For more info, cf production help

± cf line help                                                                                                                                                                                      
  cf help [COMMAND]            # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  cf line create               # takes the yaml file at line.yml and creates a new line at
  cf line generate LINE-TITLE  # genarates a line template at <line-title>/line.yml


RESTCLIENT_LOG=stdout TEST=1 be rspec spec/line_spec.rb -d