Rackspace Cloud Databases


This is a Ruby interface into the Rackspace Cloud Databases service.


This source is available on Github and the gem is available on RubyGems (coming soon..). To install it, do

sudo gem install clouddb

To use it in Bundler, add the following statement to your Gemfile

gem "clouddb"

RDOC Documentation

Find the latest RDoc documentation for this library at rdoc.info/github/rackspace/ruby-clouddb/master/frames

API Documentation

This binding attempts to conform to the latest API specifications. For current API documentation, visit docs.rackspacecloud.com/api/


See the class definitions for documentation on specific methods and operations.

require 'rubygems'
require 'clouddb'

# Authenticate to the Rackspace Cloud, and choose to manage databases in the Dallas/Ft. Worth datacenter
dbaas = CloudDB::Connection.new(:username => "MY_USERNAME", :api_key => "MY_API_KEY", :region => :dfw)


Jorge Miramontes <[email protected]> H. Wade Minter <[email protected]>


See COPYING for license information. Copyright © 2012, Rackspace US, Inc.