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  • (a) sitting in lawnchair relaxed because you've found happiness
  • (b) on your way to becoming fundamentally a better person

cljs-rails wants to help you integrate clojurescript into an existing Rails application without too much hassle. It depends boot on boot for building your assets and provide a minimal template to get up and running fast with that functional goodness.

Boot vs Leiningen

Potential for flamewar, check.

I'm new to the clojurescript universe and after playing around a bit with the tools I found boot to provide a smoother startup experience, especially for people who are just getting started with the ecosystem. Granted the design choice diverges a bit from the data all the way down that we hold dear, their arguments seem to hold water.


First install boot. See the install guide for more info.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cljs-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cljs-rails

Run the generator

$ bundle exec rails generate cljs_rails:install <optional app-name, defaults to the rails app name>

Bundle install again because the generator adds a new dependency (foreman)

$ bundle


Because the cljs build (powered by boot) needs to be run in parallel with the rails server, foreman was added to the gemfile and a basic Procfile that starts both these processes. So from now on instead of bundle exec rails server you should do:

$ foreman start

Because of the way clojure works the first time you start foreman (or run boot dev) it will download all dependencies and also build your project. This is the equivalent, in webpack world, of doing both the npm install and webpack build. Subsequent builds will not download depndencies and of course the dev tasks starts a watch that does hot-reloading and incremental builds (2k17).

Currently the bundle isn't loaded anywhere in your Rails app, you must add it to your layout using the cljs_main_path helper:

<%= javascript_include_tag cljs_main_path %>

After doing this you should navigate to an action and see clojurescript devtools messages in your browser console.

Also, the generated core/main function injects "Hello world" into the document body. You can go to cljs/src/<app-name>/core.cljs and edit the text there. It should automagically recompile and run again in the browser! Yey!



The generator sets up a cljs folder with the source, a main and a namespace derived from the rails app name.

▾ cljs/
  ▾ src/
    ▾ <app-name>/

You can provide a different name as the first argument of the install generator.


There's a rake tasks provided cljs:compile that builds for production (with advanced optimisations). It just runs boot #{production_task}. Production task defaults to "prod" and is defined in the build.boot template, but you can configure it via config.cljs.production_build_task.

The production build is configured by default to output to app/assets/cljs-build/. This means that the sprockets can now find it. The cljs_main_path helper will just return "main.js" when in production so sprokets will pickup the build file. In development/test it uses the dev-server settings.

By default app/assets/cljs-build is added to gitignore just in case, but you might want to (due to some limitations in your environemnt, but you shouldn't) commit your build artefacts to the repo.

Deployment to heroku

WIP: Need to experiment with buildpacks and setup an example repo.

You can enhance the assets:precompile task so that it runs cljs:compile. Add this to a rake file:

Rake::Task['assets:precompile'].enhance ['cljs:compile']

Now as long as there's a proper buildpack being used that has boot installed, everything should work.

Custom deployment

Same logic as above should apply as long as you attach the compile task to run before assets:precompile, and the server that's managing your build has boot setup.

Prior art


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/cljs-rails/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request