
The clickstream gem includes a middleware that captures users browsing sessions for Rack applications.


This is an alpha release, it is tested with Sinatra and Rails 3 only.

Using with Rack application

Clickstream can be used with any Rack application, for example with a Sinatra application. If your application includes a rackup file or uses Rack::Builder to construct the application pipeline, simply require and use as follows:

require 'clickstream'
use Clickstream::Capture, {
  capture: true,
  bench: true,
  api_key: 'your-private-api-key',
  logger: 'log/clickstream.log'
run app

Using with Rails 3

In order to use, include the following in a Rails application Gemfile file:

gem 'clickstream'

config/application.rb file:

require 'clickstream'
config.middleware.insert 0, Clickstream::Capture, {
  capture: Rails.env.production?,
  api_key: 'your-private-api-key',
  logger: 'log/clickstream.log',
  filter_uri: ['admin']

Check the Rack configuration:

rake middleware


  • api_key: the api key for authentication (mandatory),
  • capture: set to true to collect data, default false
  • bench: set to true to benchmark middleware overhead, default false
  • logger: file to write logs to, default env['rack.errors']
  • capture_crawlers: set to true to capture hits from crawlers, default false
  • api_uri: overwrite api endpoint uri
  • crawlers: overwrite crawlers user agent regex
  • filter_params: array of parameters to filter, for Rails default to Rails.configuration.filter_parameters
  • filter_uri: array of uri for which not to capture data


Jerome Touffe-Blin, @jtblin,


clickstream-rb is copyright 2013 Jerome Touffe-Blin and contributors. It is licensed under the BSD license. See the include LICENSE file for details.