
Claudius is a easy-to-use domain specific language for clouds experiments. Language is build on, which enables flexible and powerfull way to manage virtual machine instances on various cloude poviders. Connections with virtual machines is based on ssh. To provide information experiment flow, DSL generates readable graph of execution.


Install it as:

$ sudo gem install claudius

If you want export execution tree to image you need Graphivz.


  • experiment - central part of claudius. Method defines a new experiment. Parameters:

    • experiment_name
    • body - block of code describing performed experiment

    You may call the following methods on returned experiment object:

    • run - method starts previously defined experiment,
    • export_tree(path = 'execution_tree_path') - method creates an execution graph of experiment and save it as an image
  • define_providers - method takes as a parameter description of machines used in experiment. In experiments You are allowed to use 2 different types of machines

    • manual - those machines have been created before experiment start, You should possess appropriate credentials such as: ip address, login, password etc.
    • cloud - if You like to perform your experiment in cloud, You should firstly provide necessary information to authenticate to Your cloud provider ( e.g. AWS). After successfully authentication, please define instances which You are going to use in your experiment by create_instances method.
  • foreach - keyword is similar to ruby ‘each’ method, but in contrast to ordinary ‘each’, you may provide adjectives describing how parameters should be process Currently supported adjectives are.

    • asynchronously - each parameter is processed in separate thread. Execution of instructions after foreach block is pursued when each loop is finished.
    • safely - experiment is continued even if some exception occurs during loop execution,
  • on - specify on which machine instructions should be executed, by default it is localhost. It takes instance name as a parameter.

  • before, after - keywords are used to construct metrics

  • concurrent - if elements (such as execute or foreach) are in common concurrent block, they are executed each in separate thread.

  • execute - method takes as a parameter block of code (which contain ssh methods calls), end perform instructions sequentially

  • ssh - specify instruction(s) which are going to be invoked on machine. As a parameter takes a string representing shell command.


In order to authenticate in AWS services (at other cloud providers also) you are obligated to provide some credentials data, which are: aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, and so on. It is recomended to store configuration in json file and refer to them, when they are require. Sample config file looks like one below:

   "provider" : "AWS",
   "region" : "eu-west-1",
   "aws_access_key_id" : "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
   "key_name" : "My-irleand-key",
   "groups" : "My-irleand-group"
   "path_to_pem_file" : "./pems/my-irleand-key.pem"

After creation, You could load your file, assign it to variable and use freely as dictionary.

config = load_config('./user_config.json')
aws_key = config['aws_access_key_id']


Check doc here.


Documemtation is autogenerated from examples by Groc. To build doc you need Node.js and Pygments.

npm install -g groc

Generate to doc folder:

groc examples/*

Generate to GitHub page:

groc --gh examples/*


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request