
Classy Assets (powered by Sprockets) for Sinatra and Rack apps


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'classy_assets', require: 'false'

And then execute:

$ bundle


ClassyAssets is available as Rack Middleware or a Sintra Extension. The Sinatra Extension version integrates the sprockets-helpers to provide helper methods for generating asset paths.

Use the Rack Middleware directly:

require 'rack/classy_assets'
class ClassyApp < Sinatra::Base
  use Rack::ClassyAssets, root: 'path/to/your/app/root/directory'

Use the Sinatra Extension:

require 'sinatra/classy_assets'
class ClassyApp < Sinatra::Base
  register Sinatra::ClassyAssets

Both the middleware and extension assume your assets are stored in the root directory, in the following layout:

      |_ images
      |_ stylesheets
      |_ javascripts

Sass and CoffeeScript are fully supported.

Available Options:

Pass these in via the options hash if you're using the rack middleware. If you're using the sinatra extension, then configure your app's settings after the register Sintra::ClassyAssets statement to override the defaults

  :root           # => path to root of the application. set by default in Sinatra apps, but must be explictly passed to the rack middleware, if used directly
  :public_folder  # => path to public folder for the application. (default: File.join(root, 'public') )
  :assets_prefix  # => currently does nothing useful (default: 'assets')
  :asset_host     # => used by Sprockets::Helpers to return asset path prefixed by asset_host uri (default: nil)
  :digest_assets  # => enable digest version of assets? true or false (default: false)
  :css_compressor # => instance of a sprokets compatible css compressor class (default:
  :js_compressor  # => instance of a sprokets compatible js compressor class (default:
  :sprockets      # => instance of Sprockets::Environment. Should almost never need to be set manually. (default: )

Project Status

  • Build: Build Status
  • Code Quality: Code Climate
  • Dependencies: Dependency Status


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request