
Clash is a diff based testing framework for static sites.

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'clash'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install clash


clash [test] [options]

To run only specific tests, pass test numbers separated by commas.

$ clash       # run all tests
$ clash 1     # run only the first test
$ clash 2,3   # run the second and third tests

CLI options

-f, --file    FILE      Use a specific test file (default: .clash.yml)
-c, --context NUMBER    On diff errors, show NUMBER of lines of surrounding context (default: 2)
-h, --help              show this message

Clash reads its configuration from a .clash.yml file in the root of your project. Use the --file option to choose a different configuration file.

Example usage:

If you have a simple liquid tag you want to test:

  1. Create a simple Jekyll site with tags.
  2. Create one or more pages which test the tags features.
  3. Manually check that the compiled site looks right.
  4. Copy _site to _expected.
  5. Create a test file like the one below.
  6. Code with confidence!

Simple configuration:

Clash will build your site with Jekyll, and compare the contents of _expected/ to _site/.

build: true
compare: _expected _site

Of course, there is a lot more you can do.


Option Type Description
name String Include a descriptive name with test output.
before String/Array Run system command(s) before running tests.
build Boolean Build the site with Jekyll.
config Hash Configure Jekyll, Octopress or Ink plugins. (Info below)
compare String/Array Compare files or directories. e.g. ""
enforce_missing String/Array Ensure that these files are not found.
after String/Array Run system command(s) after running tests.

Note: in the table above, String/Array means a single argument can be a string, but mutliples can be passed as an array. For example:

compare: _expected _site                     # Compare two directories
compare:                                     # Compare multiple items
  - _expected/index.html _site/index.html
  - _expected/atom.xml _site/atom.xml
  - _expected/posts _site/posts

To run multiple tests each test should be an array, for example:

  name: Check site build
  build: true
  compare: _expected _site
  name: Check asset compression
  compare: _cdn_expected _cdn_build

Note: When running multiple tests, adding a name can help the reading of test failures.

Configuring Jekyll, Octopress and Octopress Ink plugins

build: true
    - _configs/config.yml
    - _configs/test1.yml
  octopress: _configs/octopress.yml
  feed:      _configs/feed.yml

In this example:

  • Jekyll will build with --config _configs/config.yml,_configs/test1.yml
  • _configs/octopress.yml will be copied to ./_octopress.yml (and removed after tests)
  • _configs/feed.yml will be copied to ./_plugins/feed/config.yml (and removed after tests)

This will not overwrite existing files as they will be backed up an restored after tests.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/clash/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request