
A simple circuit breaker implementation in Ruby with a timeout. A circuit breaker wraps a potentially troublesome block of code and will "trip" the circuit (ie, stop trying to run the code) if it sees too many failures. After a configurable amount of time, the circuit breaker will retry.

See for a more complete description of the pattern.


Simple Example

proc = ->(*args) do
  # Some dangerous thing.

breaker =

# These options are required.
breaker.failure_threshold =   3 # only 3 failures before tripping circuit
breaker.duration          =  10 # 10 seconds before retry
breaker.timeout           = 0.5 # 500 milliseconds allowed before auto-fail

# These options are, uh, optional.
breaker.only_trip_on  = [ExpensiveFailureException]
breaker.never_trip_on = [CheapUnimportantFailureException]

begin*some_args)    # args are passed through to the proc
rescue CircuitBreakage::CircuitOpen
  puts "Too many recent failures!"
rescue CircuitBreakage::CircuitTimeout
  puts "Operation timed out!"

A "failure" in this context means that the proc either raised an exception or timed out.

Example yielding to a block

As an alternative to initializing the breaker with a block you can use a single breaker with different remote calls by invoking call with a block.

class ShapeAPI
  def initialize
    @breaker =
    @breaker.failure_threshold =   3
    @breaker.duration          =  10
    @breaker.timeout           = 0.5
    @service =

  def get_square { @service.get_square_widget }

  def get_circles(count) { @service.get_circles(count) }


Slightly More Complex Example in Rails

This example shows one way you might choose to wrap a remote service call in a Rails app.

# in your controller
class MyController
  def show
    widget_client =
    @widgets = widget_client.get_widget(id)

# in lib/widget_client.rb
class WidgetClient
  class << self
    def breaker
      if @breaker.nil?
        @breaker = method(:do_get_widget)
        @breaker.failure_threshold =   3
        @breaker.duration          =  10
        @breaker.timeout           = 0.5

      return @breaker

    def do_get_widget(id)
      # Do the remote service call here.

  def get_widget(id)

This makes it easy to control all calls to the remote service with a single breaker. This way, they are all tripped and reset together, even if the service is called by several different parts of your code. Don't forget to handle errors somewhere -- probably either the controller or the client library, depending on the needs of your code.

Note that we've actually used a Method object rather than a proc to initialize the circuit breaker. That's fine -- breakers will actually work with any object that responds to call.

Redis-Backed "Shared" Circuit Breakers

The unique feature of this particular Circuit Breaker gem is that it also supports shared state via Redis, using the SETNX and GETSET commands. This allows a number of circuit breakers running in separate processes to trip and un-trip in unison. To be specific, when the circuit is closed, all processes proceed as normal. When the circuit is open, all processes will raise CircuitBreakage::CircuitOpen. When the circuit is open, but the retry duration has expired (this is sometimes referred to as a "half open" state), exactly one process will retry, and then either close the circuit or reset the retry timer as appropriate.

connection = some_redis_connection
key = 'my_app/this_operation'

breaker =, key, proc)
breaker.lock_timeout = 30  # seconds before assuming a locking process has crashed

# Everything else is the same as above.

The lock_timeout setting is necessary since a process that crashes or is killed might be holding the retry lock. This sets the amount of time other processes will wait before deciding a lock has expired. It should be longer than the amount of time you expect the proc to take to run.

All circuit breakers using the same key and the same Redis instance will share their state . It is strongly recommended that their settings (failure_threshold, duration, etc) all be configured the same!