
All Contributors Gem Version Circle CI Code Climate codecov dependency status for GitHub repo GitHub

Notice: This gem is renamed from circler to circleci-cli on 2019/09/22 circleci-cli is a CLI tool for Circle CI.



$ gem install circleci-cli

set the CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN environment variable. (optional)

export CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN=your-circle-ci-token


  circleci-cli browse          # open circle ci website
  circleci-cli build           # show build description
  circleci-cli builds          # list builds
  circleci-cli help [COMMAND]  # describe available commands or one specific command
  circleci-cli projects        # list projects
  circleci-cli retry           # retry a build
  circleci-cli version         # show gem version
  circleci-cli watch           # watch a build in real time

  -p user_name/project   # specify repository
  -b branch              # specify branch name
  -n build_number        # specify build number
  -l last                # get or retry last failed build
  -v verbose             # show all the logs if applied to watch command

Project argument

Project argument will be automatically selected in your directory initialized with git.


Watch your project

$ circleci-cli watch

Watch your project and show all of the build log

$ circleci-cli watch -v

Show last failed build

$ circleci-cli build --last

Retry last failed build

$ circleci-cli retry --last

Open CircleCI webpage for current project

$ circleci-cli browse


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Yuji Ueki
Yuji Ueki

Matt Brictson
Matt Brictson

💻 ⚠️

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!