
Helper methods that allow users of an app to choose a template for one of the records, and previewing it before hand. Difficult to explain, but here's a scenario:

You have a CMS. Each page's layout can be changed by the owner of the site. The layout that was "published" by the user can be used to show to the public. However, before the layout is published, the user wants to preview the page in that new layout. To do this, the user "previews" it. This can be typically shown in another route namespace that only site owners have access.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'chosen_template'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install chosen_template



The item that can be preview and published:

class PageTemplate < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :page
  choosable_template by: :page

The model that does the choosing:

class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :page_templates
  chooses_templates :page_templates

Here is how you would use it:

Get the page template that was chosen as the preview template:


Get the page template that was chosen as the published template:


Want to know if a specific page template is published template of the previewed template?


When you want to mark a page template as previewed:

page_template.preview_template! # simply updates the page_template's template_previewed_at to be right now

When you want to mark a page template as published:

page_template.publish_template! # simply updates the page_template's template_published_at to be right now

Other useful scopes that can be called on the collection of templates:

  • published_templates returns templates that were ever published
  • previewed_templates returns templates that were ever previewed
  • by_template_published_at returns templates ordered by the date they were published, from most newest to oldest
  • by_template_previewed_at returns templates ordered by the date they were previewed, from most newest to oldest


If you want to have specific actions on your controllers to preview and publish, do the following:

class PageTemplateController < ApplicationController

That gives you the following actions:

  • PUT #preview_template
  • PUT #publish_template

Remember, to get this to work you still have to add the route:

resources :page_templates do
  member do
    put :preview_template
    put :publish_template

Running Specs

In the root folder:

bundle install
cd spec/dummy
rake db:migrate db:test:prepare
rspec spec


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request