Chosen awesome (with ajax support and "on the fly" options insertion)

A written from scratch library that wraps around default html select controls and makes them more user friendly (Ruby on Rails package). Out of the box ajax support.


Install chosen-awesome-rails gem

Include chosen-awesome-rails in Gemefile

gem 'chosen-awesome-rails'

Then run bundle install

Include javascript assets

Add to your app/assets/javascripts/application.js

//= require chosen

Include chosen stylesheet assets

Add to your app/assets/stylesheets/application.css

*= require chosen

You might also use twitter bootstrap integration by adding

*= require chosen/bootstrap

Enable chosen


Default options are:

  allow_insertion: false, // Allows to add missing options dynamically, e.g. when you
                          // need to show a list of tags allowing users to add missing ones.
  inherit_classes: true,  // Whether chosen should inherit html class names from the
                          // original select element or not.
  option_parser: null,    // A function that should return an object that
                          // will be passed to jQuery to build html option elemets:
                          // $("<option />", parsed_object).
  option_formatter: null  // A function that accepts an option object (jquery selector)
                          // and returns an array of 2 values where one is used
                          // for the dropdown item and another for the choice element
  placeholder: "..."      // Custom placeholder text (by default it will try to read it
                          // from the target element)

On the fly options insertion:

Dynamic insertion example

The option formatter allows to build selects like this one:

Custom dropdown options

You can also override text messages with:

  locale: {
    no_results: "No results found",
    start_typing: "Please start typing",
    add_new: "add new"

And pass the next ajax options:

  ajax: {
    url: "where to fetch options",
    type: "get",      // optional
    dataType: "json", // optional
    data: {},         // optional
    async: true,      // optional
    xhrFields: null   // optional

JS events

Once chosen is ready it triggers chosen:ready event on the target element. A link to the newly created Chosen object will be saved in the data-chosen attribute of the target select element.