Choosy: Picking your Arguments Carefully

This is a small DSL library for creating command line clients in Ruby. It is largely inspired by the choice, commander, and libraries, though it makes some different design decisions than they do. It is opinionated software.

This library should:

  • Make creating command line clients relatively easy.
  • Make creating supercommands like git, subversion, and gem easier.
  • Allow you to add validation logic for your arguments within the parsing phase.
  • Allowing for dependencies between options, so that you can more easily validate related options (i.e. if the--bold flag requires the --font Arial flag, then you should be able to ask for the --font option to be validated first, and then the --bold option.
  • Allow you to customize its output using your own formatting system, or provide several convenient defaults when you don't want to provide your own.

This library should never:

  • Interact with your execution logic. You can attach executors to commands for convenience, but the execution phase should be delegated to you, not the parsing library. Separation of concerns, people.
  • Rely on display or user interface libraries like Highline, since this is only for parsing command lines.
  • Pollute your namespaces with my DSL function names. (I really, really hate it when libraries do this.)


#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# foo.rb
require 'choosy'

FOO_VERSION = '1.0.1'

class FooExecutor
  def execute!(args, options)
    puts "BOLDED!!" if options[:bold]
    options[:count].times do
      puts "#{options[:prefix]}#{options[:words].push('foo').join(',')}#{options[:suffix]}"
    puts "and #{args.join ' '}"

$foo_cmd = :foo do |foo|
  # Add a class to do the execution when you call foo_cmd.execute!
  # You can also use a proc that takes the options and the args, like:
  #    executor { |args, options| puts 'Hi!' }

  # When used as a subcommand, you need a summary for the help screen
  summary "This is a nice command named 'foo'"

  # You can add your custom printer by giving the
  # full path to an ERB template file here.  
  # The default printer is :standard, but you can 
  # also use the builtin printer :erb, with the :tempates
  # parameter to set the erb template you wish to use. The 
  # output can be colored or uncolored, though the
  # default is colored.
  printer :standard, :color => true, :header_styles => [:bold, :green]

  para 'Prints out "foo" to the console'
  para 'This is a long description of what foo is an how it works. This line will assuredly wrap the console at least once, since it it such a long line, but it will be wrapped automatically by the printer, above. If you want to, you can add write "printer :standard, :max_width => 80" to set the maximum column width that the printer will allow (not respected by ERB templates).'

  header 'Required Options:' # Formatted according to the header_styles for the printer

  # A shorthand for a common option type.
  # It adds the '-p/--prefix PREFIX' infomation for you.
  single :prefix, "A prefix for 'foo'" do
    default '<'

  # The long way to do the same thing as above, except with
  # explicitly named dependencies
  option :suffix => [:prefix] do
    short '-s'
    long  '--suffix', 'SUFFIX'
    desc  'A suffix for "foo"'

    validate do |suffix, options|
      if suffix == options[:prefix]      
        die "You can't matching prefixes and suffixes, you heathen!"

  # Just like the 'single' method above, except now it automatically
  # requires/casts the argument to this flag into an integer.  These commands
  # also take an optional hash as the last argument, which can be used instead
  # of a block.
  integer :count, 'The number of times to repeat "foo"', :required => true

  header 'Options:', :bold, :blue # Format this header differently, overrides 'header_styles'

  option :words do
    short '-w'
    long  '--words', 'WORDS+' # By default, the '+' at the end
                                # means that this takes multiple
                                # arguments.  You put a '-' at
                                # the end of the argument list
                                # to stop parsing this option
                                # and allow for regular args.
    desc  "Other fun words to put in quotes"

    # Sets the exact count of the number of arguments it accepts.
    # also allowable are the single selectors :zero and :one.
    # By default, the option 'WORDS+' sets the range to be
    # {:at_least => 1, :at_most => 1000 }
    count :at_least => 2, :at_most => 10

    validate do |words, options|
      words.each do |word|
        if word !~ /\w+/
          die "I can't print that: #{word}"

  # Alternatively, we could have done the following:
  strings :words, "Other fun words to put in quotes" do
    count 2..10
    default []
    validate do |words, options|
      words.each do |word|
        if word !~ /\w+/
          die "I can't print that: #{word}"

  # Yet another shorthand notation for options, since they
  # are boolean by default. Here, we add a negation to the
  # long flag of the option, creating [-b|--bold|--un-bold] flags.
  # By default, calling 'negate' in a block without an argument
  # uses the '--no-' prefix instead.
  boolean :bold, "Bold this option", :default => false, :negate => 'un'

  # Tail options

  # When any of the simpler notations are suffixed with a '_' 
  # character, the short option is always suppressed.
  boolean_ :debug, "Prints out extra debugging output."

  # The '_' characters are replaced with '-' in flags, so the 
  # following creates a '--[no-]color' flag.
  boolean_ :color, "Turns on/off coloring in the output. Defalt is on." do
    default true
    validate do
      foo.entity.alter do
        printer :standard, :colored => false

  # Adds the standard -h/--help option.
  # Should skip the '-h' flag if already set.
  help  # Automatically adds the description if not passed an argument. You can supply your own

  # Adds the --version option.
  version "Foo: #{FOO_VERSION}"

  # Now, add some validation for any addtional arguments
  # that are left over after the parsing the options.
  arguments do
    metaname 'ARGS'
    count 1..10
    validate do |args, options|
      if args.empty?
        die "You have to pass in empty arguments that do nothing!"
      if args.count == 10
        die "Whoa there!  You're going argument crazy!"

if __FILE__ == $0
  # Parses and validates the options.
  args =  ['--prefix', '{', 
           '--suffix', '}',
           '--words', 'high', 'there', 'you', '-', 
           # The '-' stops parsing this option, so that:
           'handsom', 'devil',
           '', # will be regular arguments
           '-c', '3', # Count
           '--', # Stops parsing all arguments
           '-h', '--help', '-v', '--version' # Ignored
  result = $foo_cmd.parse!(args)

  require 'pp'
  pp result[:prefix]        # => '{'
  pp result[:suffix]        # => '}'
  pp result[:count]         # => 3
  pp result[:bold]          # => false
  pp result[:words]         # => ['high', 'there', 'you']
  pp result.args            # => ['handsom', 'devil',
                            #     '',
                            #     '-h', '--help', '-v', '--version']
  pp result.options         # => {:prefix => '{', :suffix => '}'
                            #     :count => 3, :bold => false,
                            #     :words => ['high', 'there', 'you'],
                            #     :debug => false, :color => true}

  # Now, call the command that does the actual work.
  # This passes the foo_cmd.options and the foo_cmd.args
  # as arguments to the executors 'execute!' method.
  # This allows you to easily associate command classes with
  # commands, without resorting to a hash or combining
  # execution logic with command parsing logic.
  $foo_cmd.execute!(args)    # {high,there,you,foo}
                            # {high,there,you,foo}
                            # {high,there,you,foo}
                            # and handsom devil -h --help -v --verbose


Super Commands

You can also combine multiple choices into an uber-choice, creating commands that look a lot like git or subversion.

First, we create another command.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# bar.rb
require 'choosy'

# Create a new command
$bar_cmd = :bar do
  executor do |args, options|
    if options[:bold]
      puts "BOLD!!!"
      puts "plain"

  summary "Displays when this is a subcommand"
  para "Just prints 'bar'"
  para "A truly unremarkable command"

  header 'Option:'
  boolean :bold, "Bolds something" do
    negate 'un'

  # Because there is no bar.arguments call,
  # it is now an error if there are extra
  # command line arguments to this command.

if __FILE__ == $0
  args = ['--un-bold']

  result = $bar_cmd.parse!(args)

  require 'pp'
  pp result.options[:bold]           # => false
  pp result.args                     # => []

  $bar_cmd.execute!(args)             # => 'plain'

  args << 'should-throw-error'

We can now create our super command.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# superfoo.rb
require 'choosy'
require 'foo'
require 'bar'


superfoo = :superfoo do
  summary "This is a superfoo command"
  para "Say something, dammit!"

  # You can also add commands after instantiation.
  # Note that, when added, these commands have their
  # -h/--help/--version flags suppressed, so you'll
  # need to add those flags here.
  command $bar_cmd
  command $foo_cmd

  # Creates a 'help' command, message optional
  help "Prints this help message"

  # Create some global options that are parsed
  # defore result options

  # Here, check that a YAML file exists, and attempt
  # to load it's parsed contents into this option.
  # There is also a 'file' type that checks to see
  # if the file exists. With both 'file' and 'yaml',
  # if the file is missing, the option fails with an
  # error.
  yaml :Config, "Configure your superfoo with a YAML configuration file." do
    default File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.superfoo.yml')

  # Adds a global --version flag.
  version "#{SUPERFOO_VERSION}"

if __FILE__ == $0
  args = ['foo',
          '-c', '5',
          '--config', 'superfoo.yaml',
          '--prefix', '{',
          '--suffix', '}',

  result = superfoo.parse!(args)

  require 'pp'
  pp result[:Config]        # => {:here => 'text'} # Pulled the config!

  foores = result.subresults[0]

  pp foores[:Config]        # => {:here => 'text'} # Passed along!
  pp foores[:prefix]        # => '{'
  pp foores[:suffix]        # => '}'
  pp foores[:count]         # => 5
  pp foores[:bold]          # => true
  pp foores.options         # => {:prefix => '{', :suffix => '}'
                            #     :count => 5,
                            #     :bold => true, 
                            #     :words => [],
                            #     :config => '~/.superfoo' }
  pp foores.args            # => ['cruft', 'bar']

  # Now, we can call the result
  superfoo.execute!(args)   ## Calls superfoo.result.execute!
                            ## Prints:
                            # BOLDED!!
                            # {foo}
                            # {foo,foo}
                            # {foo,foo,foo}
                            # {foo,foo,foo,foo}
                            # {foo,foo,foo,foo,foo}
                            # and cruft bar

  # Instead of parsing the 'bar' parameter as an argument to
  # the foo command, so that when the first argument that matches
  # another command name is encountered, it stops parsing the
  # current command and passes the rest of the arguments to the
  # next command.
  # In this case, we call the 'alter' method to use the DSL
  # syntax again to alter this command.
  # You can also set this inside a {...}
  # block.
  superfoo.alter do

  result = superfoo.parse!(args)

  foores = result.subresults[0]
  pp foores[:Config]                # => {:here => 'text'} # Passed along!
  pp            # => :foo
  pp foores[:prefix]                # => '{'
  pp foores[:suffix]                # => '}'
  pp foores[:count]                 # => 5
  pp foores[:bold]                  # => true
  pp foores.options                 # => {:prefix => '{', :suffix => '}'
                                    #     :count => 5,
                                    #     :bold => false, 
                                    #     :words => [],
                                    #     :config => {:here => 'text'}
                                    #    }
  pp foores.args                    # => ['cruft']

  barres = result.subresults[1]
  pp            # => :bar
  pp barres[:bold]                  # => true
  pp barres.options                 # => {:bold => true,
                                    #     :config => {:here => 'text'}
                                    #    }
  pp barres.args                    # => []

  # Now, execute the results in order
  superfoo.execute!(args)       ## Same as:
                                #  results.each do |subcommand|
                                #    command.execute!
                                #  end
                                ## Prints:
                                # {foo}
                                # {foo}
                                # and cruft
                                # BOLDED BAR

Output Printing

Choosy allows you to customize the output printing of your documentation. It exposes the internal object model to any class that implements a print!(command) method.

The :standard printer that is the default for any command can also be customized to meet some of your needs: :foo do
  printer :standard,              # The default printer 
          :max_width => 80,       # Defaults to the column witdh of the terminal
          :color => true,         # Default is true 
          :header_styles => [:bold, :green],  # Defaults to [:bold, :blue]
          :indent => '   ',       # Defaults to this width 
          :offset => '  '         # Defaults to this width

  help "Show this help command."

This above example sets some useful properties for the printer. First, the :max_width limits the wrapping size on the console. By default, choosy tries to be smart and wrap to the currend column width, but you can introduce this hash parameter as a default max. Next, you can turn off and on color printing by setting :color. Color is on by default, so it's actually superfluous in this example -- just a demonstration of the syntax. The :header_styles is an array of styles that will be applied to the headers for this document. By default, headers are [:bold, :blue]. Most of the ANSI colors and codes are supported, but check lib/choosy/printing/color.rb for additional options. The last two options given are actually formatting spacers in the output that you can customize: :indent is the default indent for commands and options; :offset is the distance between the options and commands to their associated descriptive text.

For those who want the nice, manpage experience, there's also the :manpage printer: :foo do
  printer :manpage,
          :max_width => 80,                  # Same as :standard
          :color => true,                    # Same as :standard
          :header_styles => [:bold, :green], # Same as :standard
          :option_sytles => [:bold],         # Same as :standard
          :indent => '   ',                  # Same as :standard
          :offset => '  ',                   # Same as :standard
          :version => FOO_VERSION, # Will use the version name you specify, see below.
          :section => 1,           # Default is always '1'
          :date => '03/24/2011',   # Date you want displayed
          :manual => 'Foo Co.'     # The manual page group

  version FOO_VERSION # If you don't supply a version above, this will be used

Because the library is super-awesome, the manpage will even be in color when piped to less -R (the default)! If you don't like the format of my manpage, feel free to implement your own using the choosy/printing/manpage class, a useful utility class for formatting manpage output correctly.

If you already have some templates that you'd like to use, there is also the :erb template that can be customized by writing a template of your choice: :foo do
  printer :erb, 
          :color => true,                 # Defaults to true
          :template => 'path/to/file.erb' # Required

The ERB printer also accepts the :color option. The color is exposed via a color property in the template; the command is exposed by the command property.

Finally, because I don't want to tell you how to print your help, I also give you the option of supplying your own printer. Just create a class with a print!(command) method on that class, and it will be passed in the command that it should print the help for. I have supplied some code you may find useful in choosy/printing/terminal that will help with things like finding commands and determining the column width of the terminal.

class CustomPrinter
  def print!(command)
    puts "I got called on help for #{}"
end :foo do