
Rangetastic allows you to filter results of a named_scope call on any dates using any of a list of whitelisted fields you specify.

Configuration & Usage

To acheive this you need to install rangetastic

sudo gem install cherring-rangetastic

Then inside your environment.rb

config.gem "cherring-rangetastic", :lib => "rangetastic", :source => ""

Then in your model pass in the fields you wish to allow to be searchable using the between filter

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_rangetastic :fields => ["ordered_on", "fulfilled_on"]

You can then chain the between scope with any named_scope call you make:

Order.fulfilled.between(1.week.ago, 10.minutes.ago, "fulfilled_on")

Now you can also access this with the following syntax for any field ending with _on that is on the Model you are calling from like so.

Order.fulfilled.ordered_between(1.week.ago, 10.minutes.ago)

In this new version of rangetastic you can also query on _at fields. If you have an _at field such as created_at you can now

Order.fulfilled.created_between(1.week.ago, 10.minutes.ago)

However if you have an _on field and _at field the on field will take precedence over the at. If you want to access the _at field over _on field you will need to use the .between and whitelisted fields method specified first.

But if your field isn't on the Model or isn't an _on or an _at field then it will raise the standard NoMethodError.

And if you (or someone nasty!) try to use a field that is not whitelisted, it will raise ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid

Thanks to spraints for some inspiration.