Module: Cheri::Html
- Included in:
- JRuby::Explorer::AboutDialog, JRuby::Explorer::HtmlViewer
- Defined in:
- lib/cheri/builder/html/types.rb,
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: HtmlBuilder, HtmlElement Classes: BodyElem, BuilderException, CommentElem, Elem, EmptyElem, EscElem, FramesetElem, HeadElem, HtmlElem, HtmlException, ProcElem, TableElem, TextElem
Constant Summary collapse
- Types =
Hash[ :tt => Elem, :i => Elem, :b => Elem, :big => Elem, :small => Elem, :em => Elem, :strong => Elem, :dfn => Elem, :code => Elem, :samp => Elem, :kbd => Elem, :var => Elem, :cite => Elem, :abbr => Elem, :acronym => Elem, :sub => Elem, :sup => Elem, :span => Elem, :bdo => Elem, :basefont => EmptyElem, :font => Elem, :br => EmptyElem, :body => BodyElem, :address => Elem, :div => Elem, :center => Elem, :a => Elem, :map => Elem, :area => EmptyElem, :link => EmptyElem, :img => EmptyElem, :object => Elem, :param => EmptyElem, :applet => Elem, :hr => EmptyElem, :p => Elem, :h1 => Elem, :h2 => Elem, :h3 => Elem, :h4 => Elem, :h5 => Elem, :h6 => Elem, :pre => Elem, :q => Elem, :blockquote => Elem, :ins => Elem, :del => Elem, :dl => Elem, :dt => Elem, :dd => Elem, :ol => Elem, :ul => Elem, :li => Elem, :dir => Elem, :menu => Elem, :form => Elem, :label => Elem, :input => EmptyElem, :select => Elem, :optgroup => Elem, :option => Elem, :textarea => Elem, :fieldset => Elem, :legend => Elem, :button => Elem, :table => TableElem, :caption => Elem, :thead => Elem, :tfoot => Elem, :tbody => Elem, :colgroup => Elem, :col => EmptyElem, :tr => Elem, :th => Elem, :td => Elem, :head => HeadElem, :title => Elem, :base => EmptyElem, :meta => EmptyElem, :style => Elem, :script => Elem, :noscript => Elem, :html => HtmlElem, :frameset => FramesetElem, :frame => EmptyElem, :text => TextElem, :t => TextElem, :text! => TextElem, :t1 => TextElem, :proc! => ProcElem, :esc => EscElem, :esc! => EscElem, :comment => CommentElem, :comment! => CommentElem, # TODO: iframe, noframes ]
- Aliases =
Hash[ :para => :p, :p! => :p, ]
- HtmlConnecter = do # This covers the general case, and is all that is really # required here. type HtmlElement do connect HtmlElement, :add connect Cheri::Builder::Content # something non-html... connect Object, :add end # These provide more specific, and therefore more efficient (faster) # matching, as we won't have to search up the ancestor chain. type [Elem, EmptyElem, TextElem, EscElem, HtmlElem, BodyElem, HeadElem, TableElem, ProcElem] do connect Elem, :add connect EmptyElem, :add connect TextElem, :add connect EscElem, :add connect HtmlElem, :add connect BodyElem, :add connect HeadElem, :add connect TableElem, :add connect ProcElem, :add end end