
This gem contains boilerplate code to put common Rake taks that are associated with Chef cookbook projects. The goal is to make it easy to add these rake tasks to your cookbooks' Rakefile without copy-pasting a bunch of boilerplate code around.

The name is attempting to deliver yet another cooking pun.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'chef_utensils'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install chef_utensils


Add the tasks to your Rakefile with the following:

require 'chef_utensils/tasks'
require 'chef_utensils/tasks/kitchen' # Use this if you are using kitchen and want those tasks as well

That's it. After that, you can look at all the tasks that were added via rake's -T option.

$ bundle exec rake -T
rake chef:foodcritic              # Run foodcritic
rake foodcritic                   # Easier to type alias for chef:foodcritic
rake kitchen                      # Easier to type alias for kitchen:all
rake kitchen:all                  # Run all test instances
rake kitchen:default-ubuntu-1404  # Run default-ubuntu-1404 test instance
rake lint                         # Run linting tools
rake rspec                        # Run RSpec code examples
rake rubocop                      # Run RuboCop
rake rubocop:auto_correct         # Auto-correct RuboCop offenses
rake spec                         # Easier to type alias for rspec