Chef Workflow - Test Libraries and Tooling

This gem provides a set of libraries to drive minitest integration for a number of things:

  1. spawning whole networks of machines
  2. testing their converge successes
  3. testing interoperability between machines
  4. testing advanced functionality in chef, like search.

It is not intended for testing individual cookbooks. The default provisioning systems expect roles, for example, but it's a different tool for a different problem. If you want to verify your open-source cookbooks against a variety of environments, I strongly suggest you look at test-kitchen, which is intended to solve this problem.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'chef-workflow-testlib'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install chef-workflow-testlib

Quick Start

The easiest way to get started is to integrate chef-workflow-tasklib into your environment. This has a number of benefits, such as working within the same system to control machine provisioning, building a chef server, uploading your repository to a chef server, several options for driving tests, and so on. Once you've set that up, use the instructions over there to build a test chef server.

So, after you've done that go ahead and create a test directory at the root of your repository. Inside that, create a test_mytest.rb that provisions a few machines and performs a search on them. This actually doesn't have much real-world application, but it'll get you familiar with the workflow.

You will need some working roles to perform this test. We'll name these roles my_role and my_other_role in the example, but you'll need to replace them with roles you actually use.

This test will use vagrant to provision your machines, bootstrap them with knife, then run your tests. After it's done, it will tear those machines down. If the nodes fail to come up for any reason, your test should yield an error and deprovision the machines.

require 'chef-workflow/helper'
class MyTest < MiniTest::Unit::VagrantTestCase
  def self.before_suite

  def self.after_suite

  def test_searching_one
    assert_search_count(:node, 'roles:my_role', 1)

  def test_searching_two
    assert_search_count(:node, 'roles:my_other_role', 1)

Then run your test suite with bundle exec rake test:build, which will perform an upload of your repository to the test chef server, and run your tests.

We're quite aware this takes a while to run, and does very little. There are a couple of ways to deal with this, but involve understanding the system a little more; something we're about to cover.

Dealing with Slow

Ok, so we got our test suite off the ground, and boy do those tests take a while to run. I have two bits of good news for you:

You aren't locked into using Vagrant, and while Vagrant has limitations which make it impossible to parallelize, machine provisions don't have to be serial. EC2 support allows you to provision many machines in parallel, which can improve run time. The provisioning system is also flexible enough to support other systems too, so if you'd like to see your favorite system get some love, the best way to do so is to file an issue or pull request.

The second is that in most scenarios, you have a few servers that you don't really care about for this test, but need to be available for the machine to function or converge properly, like a DNS or syslog server. All provisioning is tracked and the state information is actually written to disk in your .chef-workflow directory. What that means is that if you don't need to rebuild your machines, you don't actually have to until you're ready to.

State Management with MiniTest Subclasses

Let's start off easy. Take our example above, and remove the deprovisioning lines in the after_suite call:

require 'chef-workflow/helper'
class MyTest < MiniTest::Unit::VagrantTestCase
  def self.before_suite

  def self.after_suite
    # omg, where did they go?

  def test_searching_one
    assert_search_count(:node, 'roles:my_role', 1)

  def test_searching_two
    assert_search_count(:node, 'roles:my_other_role', 1)

And run your tests again. Go ahead, run them twice. The second time should be pretty quick, in the order of a second or so. This is because your machines weren't provisioned the second time; the system determined they were already built and didn't have to provision them again.

So how do we clean them up? bundle exec rake chef:clean:machines, or add our deprovisioning lines back in and run the suite again. The state for a provision lasts until the machine is deprovisioned, whether or not that's the same test run. The rake task just reaps everything except for your chef server.

Now that we've seen the obvious performance increase, what is this good for?

Pre-baking essential infra with MiniTest subclasses

MiniTest (and all SUnit alikes) leverage subclassing pretty heavily when done right to manage a common set of test dependencies. For example, we have a subclass called 'WithInfra' in our test suite that looks like this:

class MiniTest::Unit::VagrantTestCase::WithInfra < MiniTest::Unit::VagrantTestCase
  include SSHHelper

  def self.before_suite


    wait_for('bind_master', 'syslog_server')

    ssh_role_command('bind_master', 'chef-client')
    ssh_role_command('syslog_server', 'chef-client')

SSHHelper is a small mixin that provides ssh_role_command and other bits of ssh-related functionality. In this case, our syslog depends on working DNS and our BIND depends on working syslog; while they have cookbooks that are smart enough to walk past those dependencies in the first chef run, once they're both up converging them again will resolve each other and configure them appropriately.

The good news is that we don't have to (but can) tear these servers down during a run or even between runs if they're not causing problems, and you can always check from a fresh provision by running the chef:clean:machines task before test, or simply test:rebuild, which does a full deprovision, repository upload, and test run. This saves you time (and money, in the EC2 case) and still gives you a way to do a "full" run without a lot of extra work.

An actual test suite that uses this looks like this:

class TestBIND < MiniTest::Unit::VagrantTestCase::WithInfra
  def self.before_suite 
    provision('bind_slave', 1, %w[bind_master syslog_server])

  def test_something
    # maybe a test that nsupdates the master and ensures it made it to slave
    # could go here

  def self.after_suite

This test when run will create, test, and destroy the bind slave, but leave the master and the syslog server alone -- something that we will undoubtedly need for the next test case.

Dependency-based Provisioning

All provisions have a dependency list. Until they are satisfied, the stated provision will not happen. This is mostly noticable in threaded provisioning mode where multiple provisions can occur at once.

To wait for a specific machine to provision before continuing the test process, use the wait_for method.

We can see this in our example above:

  def self.before_suite 
    provision('bind_slave', 1, %w[bind_master syslog_server])

In this instance, a bind_slave provision is scheduled, which depends on the bind_master and syslog_server provisions. The wait_for statement is used to control the test flow, so that it does not continue before bind_slave provisions, which is what we want to actually test in this test case. Properly used, this can enhance provisioning times by letting the scheduler provision things as soon as they are capable of being provisioned, where you just care about the servers you wish to test at any given point, instead of having to manage this problem yourself.

You can't declare provisions that are dependent on provisions that don't exist -- this will raise an exception. So, don't worry about fat-fingering it. :)

Here's a more advanced example that abuses the performance characteristics of the scheduler. In this instance, we intend to test our monitoring system, which will assert the "alive" status of many servers. We provision numerous ones in the setup, and only wait for what we care about in each unit test.

class TestNagios < MiniTest::Unit::VagrantTestCase
  def self.before_suite
    provision('bind_master', 1, %w[syslog_server])
    # we just care about bind for all these
    provision('bind_slave', 1, %w[bind_master])
    provision('web_server', 1, %w[bind_master])
    provision('db_server', 1, %w[bind_master])
    provision('nagios_server', 1, %w[bind_master])
    # we need the nagios server available for all tests, so wait for that

  def test_dns_monitoring
    wait_for('bind_master', 'bind_slave')
    # ensure monitoring works

  def test_web_monitoring
    # ensure monitoring works

  def test_db_monitoring
    # ensure monitoring works

  def self.after_suite
    ].each { |x| deprovision(x) }

The flow of this test is as such:

As soon as bind_master completes, bind_slave, web_server, db_server, and nagios_server will begin provisioning. setup will wait until nagios_server completes, and normal testing will begin. Each test waits for its testable unit to finish provisioning before running the actual tests against those units. With rare exception, after a test or two, the wait_for commands will succeed immediately, largely because they have been provsioning in the background while the other tests have been running.

If you're curious how all this works under the hood, see the chef-workflow documentation on the subject.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request
  6. Adjustment of the license terms or the author credits will result in a rejected pull request. It ain't cool, yo.


This work was partially sponsored by HotelTonight, and you should check them out. They use this system for testing their infrastructure. The programming was done primarily by Erik Hollensbe.