

chef-vault-testfixtures provides an RSpec shared context that stubs access to chef-vault encrypted data bags using the same fallback mechanism as the chef_vault_item helper from the chef-vault cookbook


chef-vault is a gem to manage distribution and control of keys to decrypt Chef encrypted data bags.

When testing a cookbook that uses chef-vault, encryption is generally out of scope, which results in a large number of stubs or mocks so that you can get back fixture data without performing decryption.

Chef created the chef-vault cookbook to make integration testing easier. If you use the chef_vault_item helper provided by that cookbook, then failing to load the vault causes the helper to fall back to a normal JSON data bag in the directory test/integration/data_bags.

This gem makes the unit test side of cookbook testing with ChefSpec easier by dynamically stubbing attempts to access vault data to use the same JSON data bags as the helper. This allows you to provide one source of stubbing data that works for both unit and integration test.


In the file test/integration/data_bags/foo/bar.json:

{ "password": "sekrit" }

In your cookbook Gemfile:

gem 'chef-vault-testfixtures', '~> 0.3'

In your cookbook spec/spec_helper.rb:

require 'chef-vault/test_fixtures'

In a cookbook example:

RSpec.describe 'my_cookbook::default' do
  include ChefVault::TestFixtures.rspec_shared_context

  let(:chef_run) { }

  it 'should converge' do
    expect(chef_run).to include_recipe(described_recipe)

The recipe that the example tests:

include_recipe 'chef-vault'
item = chef_vault_item('foo', 'bar')
file '/tmp/foo' do
  contents item['password']

The helper will call ChefVault::Item.load, which will be stubbed using the data bag from the test/integration/data_bags directory.


It may seem strange that chef isn't a runtime dependency of this gem. This is due to idiosyncracies in the way that old versions of rubygems (such as those that ship with chef-client prior to 11.18.0) process dependencies.

If we include chef as a dependency, even with a relaxed requirement like '>= 11.0', rubygems v1.8.x will still try to pull in chef-12.0.3, even if the --conservative switch is used. This in turn pulls in Ohai 8.1.x, which doesn't work under Ruby 1.9.3 (which is what chef-client 11 embeds).

rubygems v2.x.x do not suffer from this problem. The net takeaway is that attempting to install this gem on a system that does not have chef installed will fail. I expect the instances of people trying to do this to be small.


James FitzGibbon - [email protected] - @jf647


Copyright 2015 Nordstrom, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.