

This gem contains an event handler for Chef that allows older (< 11.6.0) version of chef to publish reporting information to Opscode Hosted Chef or Opscode Private Chef.


There are 2 different methods on how to install the handler:

Option A - Configuration using the chef-client cookbook

The chef-client cookbook is able to automatically install and configure gems used for start and event handlers:

node.set['chef_client']['load_gems']['chef-reporting'] = {
    :require_name => 'chef_reporting',
    :action => :install

node.set['chef_client']['start_handlers'] = [
        :class => "Chef::Reporting::StartHandler",
        :arguments => []
include_recipe "chef-client::config"

Option B - Direct Configuration by modifying client.rb

You can also do the same configuration e.g. as part of your bootstrap process if you want to have the first client run on the host send data to reporting.

Loading the gem

The chef-reporting gem is required to be loaded. You can do this is a gem install before running Chef if you want the first client run to report or else use the chef_gem resource to install the gem on first chef-client run.

chef_gem "chef-reporting" do
  action :install

Loading the gem and configuring the event handler in client.rb

The Event Handler should be configured in your client.rb to enable the handler. Copy the following block to the top of your client.rb.

  require chef_reporting
  start_handlers <<
rescue LoadError
  Chef::Log.warn "Failed to load #{lib}. This should be resolved after a chef run."

Licence and Author

Chef Reporting - A client library for Chef Reporting features

Author: James Casey ([email protected])
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Opscode, Inc.
License: Apache License, Version 2.0