
This is the LXC provisioner for chef-provisioning.

Quick Start

To run the tests, which creates an Ubuntu machine and installs this into it:

gem install chef-provisioning
rake build
cd test/
set -x CHEF_DRIVER 'lxc'
chef-client -z lxc.rb simple.rb

Basic Usage

require 'chef/provisioning'
machine 'mario' do
  recipe 'apache2'

Machine Options

To specify provisioning options that will be used with all subsequent machine definitions:

with_machine_options :template => <template name>,
  :template_options => <arguments>,
  :backing_store => <backing store>

These options correspond to the options in lxc create:

  • template: the LXC template name to use.
  • template_options: An array of string arguments to pass to the template.
  • backing_store: The backing store to use for the file system.