
A Chef handler to cleanup stale Sensu checks by cross-checking the files in your checks directory with the resources from the Chef run.


The Chef docs [1] lay out a pretty simple way to use handlers by leveraging the chef_handler resource. Just ship the chef-handler-sensu-cleaner.rb file to your handlers location and declare a new handler:

```ruby cookbook_file “#node[:chef_handler][:handler_path]/chef-handler-sensu.rb” do source ‘chef-handler-sensu.rb’ mode 00600 end

chef_handler ‘SensuCleaner’ do source “#node[:chef_handler][:handler_path]/chef-handler-sensu.rb” action :enable end ```

Obviously make sure to copy the ruby file into the /files/default directory of your cookbook as well. Alternatively, install it as a Rubygem and source it that way:

```ruby chef_gem ‘chef-handler-sensu’ do action :install end

chef_handler ‘SensuCleaner’ do source ::File.join(Gem.all_load_paths.grep(/chef-handler-sensu/).first, ‘chef-handler-sensu.rb’) action :enable end ```



Apache License, Version 2.0


Simple Finance [email protected]