Httpapi chef handler

This is a simple Chef report handler that reports status of a Chef run to any API via net/http.

Kudos to the following chef_handlers for their inspirations:


Tested Platform: Linux

Uses the libraries net_http, uri and openssl.


gem install chef-handler-httpapi


You can send data to an API via the http post method.

Therefore you have to define which data elements should be sent.

"api_data_message" is the name for the KEY including the message text.

"api_data_success/failed" are the HASHes you want to send as the post data (in addition to the "message" HASH).

Append the following to your Chef client configs, usually at /etc/chef/client.rb

require "chef-handler-httpapi"

api_url = "https://myfanceapi/logging/object"
api_user = myfanceuser
api_pass = myfancepass

# ssl tweaks
(api_ssl_version = :SSLv3)
(api_ssl_verify = "none")

# name for data_message KEY
api_data_message = "message"

# keys and values for successful run
api_data_success = {
    "state" => "INFO",
    "class" => "chef-client"

# keys and values for failed run
api_data_failed = {
    "state" => "FAILED",
    "class" => "chef-client"

Httpapi_handler =, api_user, api_pass, api_ssl_verify, api_ssl_version, api_data_message, api_data_success, api_data_failed)
report_handlers << Httpapi_handler            # run at the end of a successful run
exception_handlers << Httpapi_handler         # run at the end of a failed run


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

License and Author

copyright: B1 Systems GmbH [email protected], 2016

license: GPLv3+,

author: Eike Waldt [email protected]