
A ruby gem to quickly add leaderboard functionality to any existing model in a rails application. This gem makes it easy to add leaderboards not only in games, where they are usually used but also into any other application which contains rankable models.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'cheer'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install cheer

Basic Usage

Consider a Movie model which has a views column that stores the number of times users have viewed the movie and a profit column that contains the total profit made by that movie.

class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Cheer::ModelAdditions

  leaderboard :viewership_leaderboard, column_name: :views

For example consider the following movies in the database:

Name Views Profit
Pulp Fiction 50 $500
Reservoir Dogs 40 $600
Kill Bill 30 $200
Death Proof 20 $100
Jackie Brown 10 $400

leaderboard class method

The gem will automatically add the leaderboard class method to the Movie class which will allow you to configure custom leaderboards. This method takes these arguments: name, column_name, sort_order, around_limit.

class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Cheer::ModelAdditions

  leaderboard :profitability_leaderboard, column_name: :profit,
                                          sort_order: %w(name),
                                          around_limit: 1

  # This will add the :profitability_leaderboard instance method.
  # It also takes an optional argument(integer) to limit the number of records returned from `top_movies` method.

pulp_fiction   = Movie.find_by_name("Pulp Fiction")
reservoir_dogs = Movie.find_by_name("Reservoir Dogs")
kill_bill      = Movie.find_by_name("Kill Bill")
death_proof    = Movie.find_by_name("Death Proof")
jackie_brown   = Movie.find_by_name("Jackie Brown")

pulp_fiction.profitability_leaderboard # => #<Cheer::Leaderboard:0xb121a14>
pulp_fiction.profitability_leaderboard.current_movie_rank # => 2
pulp_fiction.profitability_leaderboard.movies_around # => [reservoir_dogs, pulp_fiction, jackie_brown]
pulp_fiction.profitability_leaderboard.top_movies # => [pulp_fiction, reservoir_dogs, kill_bill]
pulp_fiction.profitability_leaderboard.top_movies(2) # => [pulp_fiction, reservoir_dogs]

pulp_fiction.profitability_leaderboard.to_hash # => {current_movie_rank: 2, movies_around: [reservoir_dogs, pulp_fiction, jackie_brown], top_movies: [pulp_fiction, reservoir_dogs, kill_bill]}

death_proof.profitability_leaderboard.to_hash(2) # => {current_movie_rank: 6, movies_around: [kill_bill, death_proof], top_movies: [pulp_fiction, reservoir_dogs]}

Additional Options


class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Cheer::ModelAdditions

  leaderboard :viewership_leaderboard, column_name: :views,
                                       sort_order: ["released_on asc", "number_of_awards desc"]

The gem also allows you to specify additional sort orders to resolve conflicts when there are a bunch of movies with the same number of views. The additional sort order can be specified as shown above. In this case, if two movies have the same number of views, the one released earlier will have a higher ranking. In case the number of views and the release date is the same, the one with more awards will have a higher ranking.

If the :sort_order is not specified, the conflicts will be resolved using the id asc sort order.


The default number of objects returned by movies_around can be overwritten using the option around_limit. In the example below, we set the option to 1 forcing the gem to return at most 1 movie before and after the current movie:

class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Cheer::ModelAdditions

  leaderboard :viewership_leaderboard, column_name: :views,
                                       around_limit: 1

kill_bill = Movie.find_by_name("Kill Bill")
kill_bill.viewership_leaderboard.movies_around # => [reservoir_dogs, kill_bill, death_proof]


  • Scopes - Calculate leaderboards and ranking for a specific scope. For example, this will help us generate leaderboards for all movies released in 2012 or for all movies produced by DreamWorks, etc.



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request