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A collection of modules for which every is designed to check syntax in files to be commited via git.


Checker works with rubies ree, 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3 and 2.0.0 - all of those are tested on Travis. As for Rails with SASS - tested with RoR 3.2.x



Checker is available in rubygems (current stable version is 0.6.4), so you just need to do:

gem install checker

If you want to install release candidate version (current rc version is 0.6.5.rc2) use the following command:

gem install checker --pre

If you are using bundler, you can add it to your project via Gemfile file (best to put it under :development group). Since checker is a command-line utility, there is no need to load it up in the application:

group :development do
  gem 'checker', :required => false

After installing the gem please follow Git hook section for further details.

Git hook

All you need to do is type in checker install and it will automatically install the prepare-commit-msg hook to your current git project. It will look something like this:


#### Begin of checker script
if [ -f /Users/user/.rvm/bin/rvm-shell ]; then
  /Users/user/.rvm/bin/rvm-shell 'ruby-1.9.3-p286' -c 'checker'

if [ $? = 1 ]; then
  exit 1

text=`echo -n ':checkered_flag: '; cat $1`
echo "$text" > $1
#### End of checker script

If you don't want your commits be prepended by checkered flag you can remove two last lines from the prepare-commit-msg hook.

Now checker will halt the commit if it finds problem with source code. Couple examples:


[ PRY - 1 files ]
  Checking app/models/user.rb... [FAIL]


[ CONFLICT - 1 files ]
  Checking a.bad.scss... [FAIL]
4:<<<<<<< Updated upstream
30:>>>>>>> Stashed changes


[ SASS - 1 files ]
  Checking a.bad.scss... [FAIL]
Syntax error: Invalid CSS after "qwe:": expected pseudoclass or pseudoelement, was "asd:"
        on line 1 of .checker-cache/3cc74408b797b92e79207a64d97ae429
  Use --trace for backtrace.

Advanced usage

You can specify checker behaviour for your project by changing the git config for checker. Available options are:

  • check

List of modules, seperated by comma, which checker will use. Defaults to all modules. Example: git config checker.check 'ruby, haml, coffeescript'

  • commit-on-warning

Boolean value. If given false, checker will not commit when any module returns warning. Defaults to true. Example: git config checker.commit-on-warning 'false'

  • rails-for-sass

Boolean value. Will use rails runner to check for sass syntax using sprockets. Works work rails >= 3.1. Defaults to true. Example: git config checker.rails-for-sass 'true'

Available modules


Checks for correct syntax in ruby (.rb) files


Checks for correct syntax in haml files


Checks for any occurence of binding.pry or binding.remote_pry


Checks for correct syntax in coffeescript (.coffee) files


Checks for correct syntax in sass and scss files


Checks for correct syntax in slim files


Checks for any occurence of git conflicts when merging (looks for <<<<<<< or >>>>>>>)


For various modules to work you may need to install additional dependencies: