Check, Check, It

use checklists, like a boss


$ gem install checkcheckit


  • option parsing
  • save a run
    • to file
    • to service
  • resume a run
  • run commands with confirmation
    • saves results
  • pull list(s) (via git)
  • push list(s) (via git)


list the checklists

checkcheckit assumes a home directory of ~/checkcheckit

In that directory are folders for your organizations, groups, etc.

In those folders are your checklists.

A "checklist" is just a text file. Every line that starts with a dash '-' is a step. Everything beneath a step is that step's body or description.

$ check list
# Checklists

start a checklist

You can go through a checklist by running check start and then the checklist name.

(NIY - Not Implemented Yet) If there are multiple checklists with the same name use the format folder/checklist.

When you iterate through a checklist you can just type "enter", "y", or "+" to confirm a step.

A "no", "-", or body of text (body of text NIY) is considered a failed step. The body of text is for describing what went wrong.

For example:

$ check start deploy
|-------| Step 1: Pull everything from git
  > git pull origin
Check: <enter>

|+------| Step 2: Make sure there are no uncommitted changes
  > `git status`
Check: <n>

|+------| Step 3: Diff master with heroku/master
  Make sure the change you want to push are what you're pushing
  > git fetch heroku
  > git diff heroku/master | $EDITOR
Check: <y>

|+-+----| Step 4: Run the test suite
Check: failures!


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request