
"Being victorious through a means so amazing it cannot possibly be achieved without cheating." (Urban Dictionary)

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cheatorious is a generator of simple, searchable, shareable, modular command-line cheatsheets.

Cheatsheets are very good to start learning or keep knowledge of some language or tool, but very often you just don't have the proper cheatsheet at hand when you need to remember that cryptic keyboard shortcut. Furthermore, wouldn't be nice to keep or create your own cheatsheets in a neat ruby DSL? Wouldn't be great if you have easy access to them, such as via command-line interface?


gem install cheatorious

Cheatorious is compatible with ruby 1.8.x, 1.9.x, rubinius, jruby, ree and more.

Creating your Cheatsheet

Create a file and use the following syntax, shown in the example below:

cheatsheet_for "Simple VIM" do
    # put some info about you, if you want to share this later
    description "A simple VIM cheatsheet for tests"
    author      "Luis Cipriani", ""
    version     "1.0.0"

    # you can configure some keyboard keys variables
    key :control, "^"
    key :esc    , "<esc>"
    key :leader , ","

    # your prefered keyboard keys separators (default is empty string)
    key_separator " "

    # this is an cheatsheet entry, the first parameter is what the entry does, the other are the shortcuts or descriptions
    __ "Enter insertion mode", "i"
    __ "Exit insertion mode" , _esc

    # you can create sections, that will be searchable
    section "Basic Movement" do
        __ "character left, right, line up, line down", "h", "l", "k", "j"
        __ "word/token left, right"                   , "b", "w"

    section "Scrolling" do
        # this is how you use the pre-configured keyboard keys
        __ "scroll line up, down", (_control "E"), (_control "Y")
        __ "scroll page up, down", (_control "F"), (_control "B")
        __ "crazy scroll", (_leader _control "A") # this is just to show you can combine keys \o/

    section "Files" do
        __ "Open file", ":e"

        # you can go infinitely deep with sections
        section "Saving" do
            __ "Save file", ":w"

Compiling your cheatsheet

In this alpha version, the compilation is transparently done by cheatorious, but in future versions you'll be able to:

  • serialize your cheatsheet for exporting
  • export in Base64 to make the search faster
  • export a standalone executable script

Using cheatorious

The CLI usage goes as follows:

$ cheatorious cheatsheet_file [keyword]

Where cheatsheet_file is the file you created above using the ruby DSL and a optional keyword if you want to filter the cheatsheet (case insensitive). If no keyword is passed, it will return whole cheatsheet.

I'm working to let this usage even more simple and fast.


  • search by sections
  • reverse search
  • standalone script generation
  • case sensitive search
  • better ouput layout, colored
  • more features in command line
  • other output writers


  • In Macs, cheatorious is very powerful if used with DTerm


You can contribute in the Core, with Writers or Cheatsheets, feel free.

  • Fork
  • Implement tests
  • Implement feature
  • Test it
  • Pull request

Copyright (c) 2011 Luis Cipriani (under MIT license)