ChattyCrow – Capistrano deploy notifications library


# Add to your gemfile
gem 'chattycrow_capistrano_notifications', '~> 1.0.0'
bundle install


# Capfile
require 'capistrano/chatty_crow/notifications'

# config/deploy.rb
set :chattycrow_host, '' # This is default, it's not required
set :chattycrow_token, 'token'
set :chattycrow_services, {
  jabber: { channel: 'channel#token', contacts: %w(abc def ghi) },
  hipchat: { channel: 'channel#hipchat', color: :auto, notify: true }

If you put color :auto or you don’t fill color settings on hipchat and slack, it will be formatted automatically.


  • Fork
  • Create new branch
  • Add your hacks or features
  • Create pull request