Characteristics [version] [travis]

A Ruby library which provides some basic information about how characters behave in different encodings:

  • Is a character valid according to its encoding?
  • Is a character assigned?
  • Is a character a special control character?
  • Could a character be invisible (blank)?

The unibits gem makes use of this data to visualize it accordingliy.


Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'characteristics'


char_info =
char_info.valid? # => true / false
char_info.unicode? # => true / false
char_info.assigned? # => true / false
char_info.control? # => true / false
char_info.blank? # => true / false

Types of Encodings

This library knows of four different kinds of encodings:

  • :unicode Unicode familiy of multibyte encodings (UTF-X)
  • :ascii 7-Bit ASCII (US-ASCII)
  • :binary Arbitrary string (ASCII-8BIT)
  • :byte Known byte encoding (ISO-8859-X, Windows-125X)

Other encodings are not supported, yet.



Validness is determined by Ruby's String#valid_encoding?


true for Unicode encodings (UTF-X)


Control characters are codepoints in the is C0, delete or C1 control character range.


  • All valid ASCII and BINARY characters are considered assigned
  • For other byte based encodings, a character is considered assigned if it is not on the exception list included in this library. C0 control characters (and \x7F) are always considered assigned. C1 control characters are treated as assigned, if the encoding generally does not assign characters in the C1 region.
  • For Unicode, the general category is considered


The library includes a list of characters that might not be rendered visually. This list does not include unassigned codepoints, control characters (except for \t, \n, \v, \f, \r), or special formatting characters (right-to-left marker, variation selectors, etc).


  • Support all non-dummy encodings that Ruby supports
  • Complete test matrix

MIT License

Copyright (C) 2017 Jan Lelis Released under the MIT license.