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This is a C-extended Ruby gem to work with sets of Unicode codepoints. It can read and write these sets in various formats and implements the stdlib Set interface for them.

It also offers an alternate paradigm of String processing which grants much better performance than Regexp and String methods from the stdlib where applicable (see benchmarks).

Many parts can be used independently, e.g.:

  • CharacterSet::Character
  • CharacterSet::ExpressionConverter
  • CharacterSet::Parser
  • CharacterSet::Writer
  • RangeCompressor


Usage examples

CharacterSet.url_query.cover?('?a=(b$c;)') # => true


CharacterSet.emoji.sample(5) # => ["⛷", "👈", "🌞", "♑", "⛈"]


These all produce a CharacterSet containing a, b and c:

CharacterSet['a', 'b', 'c']
CharacterSet[97, 98, 99]'a'..'c')

If the gems regexp_parser and regexp_property_values are installed, ::of_regexp and ::of_property can also be used. ::of_regexp can handle intersections, negations, and set nesting. Regexp's i-flag is ignored; call #case_insensitive on the result if needed.

CharacterSet.of_property('Thai') # => #<CharacterSet (size: 86)>

require 'character_set/core_ext/regexp_ext'

/[\D&&[:ascii:]&&\p{emoji}]/.character_set.size # => 2

Predefined utility sets

ascii, ascii_alnum, ascii_letter, assigned, bmp, crypt, emoji, newline, surrogate, unicode, url_fragment, url_host, url_path, url_query, whitespace

CharacterSet.ascii # => #<CharacterSet (size: 128)>

# all can be prefixed with `non_`, e.g.

Interact with Strings

CharacterSet can replace some types of String handling with better performance than the stdlib.

#used_by? and #cover? can replace some Regexp#match? calls:

CharacterSet.ascii.used_by?('Tüür') # => true
CharacterSet.ascii.cover?('Tüür') # => false
CharacterSet.ascii.cover?('Tr') # => true

#delete_in(!) and #keep_in(!) can replace String#gsub(!) and the like:

string = 'Tüür'

CharacterSet.ascii.delete_in(string) # => 'üü'
CharacterSet.ascii.keep_in(string) # => 'Tr'
string # => 'Tüür'

CharacterSet.ascii.delete_in!(string) # => 'üü'
string # => 'üü'
CharacterSet.ascii.keep_in!(string) # => ''
string # => ''

#count_in and #scan can replace String#count and String#scan:

CharacterSet.non_ascii.count_in('Tüür') # => 2
CharacterSet.non_ascii.scan_in('Tüür') # => ['ü', 'ü']

There is also a core extension for String interaction.

require 'character_set/core_ext/string_ext'

"a\rb".character_set & CharacterSet.newline # => CharacterSet["\r"]
"a\rb".uses_character_set?(CharacterSet['ä', 'ö', 'ü']) # => false
"a\rb".covered_by_character_set?(CharacterSet.newline) # => false

# predefined sets can also be referenced via Symbols
"a\rb".covered_by_character_set?(:ascii) # => true
"a\rb".delete_character_set(:newline) # => 'ab'
# etc.


Use any Ruby Set method, e.g. #+, #-, #&, #^, #intersect?, #<, #> etc. to interact with other sets. Use #add, #delete, #include? etc. to change or check for members.

Where appropriate, methods take both chars and codepoints, e.g.:

CharacterSet['a'].add('b') # => CharacterSet['a', 'b']
CharacterSet['a'].add(98) # => CharacterSet['a', 'b']
CharacterSet['a'].include?('a') # => true
CharacterSet['a'].include?(0x61) # => true

#inversion can be used to create a CharacterSet with all valid Unicode codepoints that are not in the current set:

non_a = CharacterSet['a'].inversion
# => #<CharacterSet (size: 1112063)>

non_a.include?('a') # => false
non_a.include?('ü') # => true

# surrogate pair halves are not included by default
CharacterSet['a'].inversion(include_surrogates: true)
# => #<CharacterSet (size: 1114112)>

#case_insensitive can be used to create a CharacterSet where upper/lower case codepoints are supplemented:

CharacterSet['1', 'A'].case_insensitive # => CharacterSet['1', 'A', 'a']


set = CharacterSet['a', 'b', 'c', 'j', '-']

# safely printable ASCII chars are not escaped by default
set.to_s # => 'a-cj\x2D'
set.to_s(escape_all: true) # => '\x61-\x63\x6A\x2D'

# brackets may be added
set.to_s(in_brackets: true) # => '[a-cj\x2D]'

# the default escape format is Ruby/ES6 compatible, others are available
set = CharacterSet['a', 'b', 'c', 'ɘ', '🤩']
set.to_s # => 'a-c\u0258\u{1F929}'
set.to_s(format: 'U+') # => 'a-cU+0258U+1F929'
set.to_s(format: 'Python') # => "a-c\u0258\U0001F929"
set.to_s(format: 'raw') # => 'a-cɘ🤩'

# or pass a block
set.to_s { |char| "[#{char.codepoint}]" } # => "a-c[600][129321]"
set.to_s(escape_all: true) { |c| "<#{c.hex}>" } # => "<61>-<63><258><1F929>"

# disable abbreviation (grouping of codepoints in ranges)
set.to_s(abbreviate: false) # => "abc\u0258\u{1F929}"

# astral members require some trickery if we want to target environments
# that are based on UTF-16 or "UCS-2 with surrogates", such as JavaScript.
set = CharacterSet['a', 'b', '🤩', '🤪', '🤫']

# Use #to_s_with_surrogate_ranges e.g. for JavaScript:
# => '(?:[ab]|\uD83E[\uDD29-\uDD2B])'

# Or use #to_s_with_surrogate_alternation if such surrogate set pairs
# don't work in your target environment:
# => '(?:[ab]|\uD83E\uDD29|\uD83E\uDD2A|\uD83E\uDD2B)'

Other features

Secure tokens

Generate secure random strings of characters from a set:'a'..'z').secure_token(8) # => "ugwpujmt"
CharacterSet.crypt.secure_token # => "8.1w7aBT737/pMfcMoO4y2y8/=0xtmo:"

Unicode planes

There are some methods to check for planes and to handle ASCII, BMP and astral parts:

CharacterSet['a', 'ü', '🤩'].ascii_part # => CharacterSet['a']
CharacterSet['a', 'ü', '🤩'].ascii_part? # => true
CharacterSet['a', 'ü', '🤩'].ascii_only? # => false
CharacterSet['a', 'ü', '🤩'].ascii_ratio # => 0.3333333
CharacterSet['a', 'ü', '🤩'].bmp_part # => CharacterSet['a', 'ü']
CharacterSet['a', 'ü', '🤩'].astral_part # => CharacterSet['🤩']
CharacterSet['a', 'ü', '🤩'].bmp_ratio # => 0.6666666
CharacterSet['a', 'ü', '🤩'].planes # => [0, 1]
CharacterSet['a', 'ü', '🤩'].plane(1) # => CharacterSet['🤩']
CharacterSet['a', 'ü', '🤩'].member_in_plane?(7) # => false'a').plane # => 0


Feel free to send suggestions, point out issues, or submit pull requests.