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Chamber lets you source your settings from an arbitrary number of YAML files that values convention over configuration and has an automatic mechanism for working with Heroku's (or anyone else's) ENV variables.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'chamber'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install chamber

Basic Usage

Convention Over Configuration

By default Chamber only needs a base path to look for settings files. From that path it will search for:

  • The file <basepath>/credentials.yml
  • The file <basepath>/settings.yml
  • A set of files ending in .yml in the <basepath>/settings directory

In Plain Old Ruby

Chamber.load basepath: '/path/to/my/application'

In Rails

If you're running a Rails app, by default Chamber will set the basepath to your Rails app's config directory, which is the equivalent of:

Chamber.load basepath: Rails.root.join('config')

Accessing Settings

The YAML data will be loaded and you will have access to the settings through the Chamber class.


Given a settings.yml file containing:

  server: ""
  username: "my_user"
  password: "my_pass"

can be accessed as follows:

# =>

or via object notation syntax:

# =>

Keeping Your Settings Files Secure

Check out Keeping Private Settings Private below.

Existing Environment Variables (aka Heroku)

If deploying to a system which has all of your environment variables already set, you're not going to use all of the values stored in the YAML files. Instead, you're going to want to pull certain values from environment variables.


Given a settings.yml file containing:

  server: ""
  username: "my_user"
  password: "my_pass"

If an environment variable is already set like so:

export SMTP_SERVER=""

Then when you ask Chamber to give you the SMTP server:

# => ""

It will return not what is in the YAML file, but what is in the environment variable.

Deploying to Heroku

If you're deploying to Heroku, they won't let you upload custom config files. If you do not have your config files all stored in your repo (which you shouldn't if some of the information is sensitive), it becomes more difficult to gain access to that information on Heroku.

To solve this problem, Heroku allows you to set environment variables in your application. Unfortunately this has the nasty side effect of being a pain to deal with. For one, you have to deal with environment variables with unweildy names. For another, it makes the organization of those variables difficult.

Fortunately, Chamber allows you to organize your environment variables in separate files and access them easily using hash or object notation, however at the same time, it provides a convenient way to push all of those sensitive configuration settings up to Heroku as environment variables.

When Chamber accesses those same hash/object notated config values, it will first look to see if an associated environment variable exists. If it does, it will use that in place of any values inside of the config files.

Simply run:

# In the root folder of your Rails app:

chamber heroku push --preset=rails

# In the root folder of another type of application:

chamber heroku push --basepath=./

And all of your settings will be converted to environment variable versions and set on your Heroku app.

Note: For the full set of options, see The chamber Command Line App below.

Deploying to Travis CI

When deploying to Travis CI, it has similar environment variable requirements as Heroku, however Travis allows the encryption of environment variables before they are stored in the .travis.yml file. This allows for that file to be checked into git without worrying about prying eyes figuring out your secret information.

To execute this, simply run:

chamber travis secure --basepath=./

This will add secure entries into your .travis.yml file. Each one will contain one environment variable.

Warning: Each time you execute this command it will delete all secure entries under '' in your .travis.yml file.

Note: For the full set of options, see The chamber Command Line App below.

Advanced Usage

Explicitly Specifying Settings Files

Using convention over configuration, Chamber handles the 90% case by default, however there may be times at which you would like to explicitly specify which settings files are loaded. In these cases, Chamber has you covered:

Chamber.load files: [

In this case, Chamber will load only the credentials.yml file without ever looking for a namespaced file. Then it will load application.yml and any associated namespaced files. Finally it will load all *.yml files in the chamber directory except credentials.yml because it has previously been loaded.

Object-Based Environment Variable Access

If you aren't a fan of the hash-based access, you can also access them using methods:


Predicate Methods

When using object notation, all settings have ? and _ predicate methods defined on them. They work like so:

'?' Predicates Check For Falsity

  Chamber.env.my_setting                    # => nil
  Chamber.env.my_setting?                   # => false

  Chamber.env.my_other_setting              # => false
  Chamber.env.my_other_setting?             # => false

  Chamber.env.another_setting               # => 'my value'
  Chamber.env.another_setting?              # => true

'_' Predicates Allow for Multi-Level Testing

  Chamber.env.empty?                        # => true
  Chamber.env.my_setting_group_.my_setting? # => false

'key?' Checks For Existence

The ? method will return false if a key has been set to false or nil. In order to check if a key has been set at all, use the key?('some_key') method instead.

Notice the difference:

  Chamber.env.my_setting                    # => false
  Chamber.env.my_setting?                   # => false

  Chamber.env.key?('my_setting')            # => true
  Chamber.env.key?('my_non_existent_key')   # => false

ERB Preprocessing

One of the nice things about Chamber is that it runs each settings file through ERB before it tries to parse it as YAML. The main benefit of this is that you can use settings from previous files in ERB for later files. This is mainly used if you follow our convention of putting all of your sensitive information in your credentials.yml file.


# credentials.yml

  my_secret_key: 123456789
<%# settings.yml %>

  my_url: http://my_username:<%= Chamber[:my_secret_key] %>

Because by default Chamber processes credentials settings files before anything else, this works.

But it's all ERB so you can do as much crazy ERB stuff in your settings files as you'd like:

<%# settings.yml %>

<% %w{development test production}.each do |environment| %>
<%= environment %>:
  hostname_with_subdomain: <%= environment %>

<% end %>

Would result in the following settings being set:





If, when running your app, you would like to have certain files loaded only under specific circumstances, you can use Chamber's namespaces.


Chamber.load( :basepath => '/tmp',
              :namespaces => {
                :environment => -> { ::Rails.env } } )

For this class, it will not only try and load the file config/settings.yml, it will also try and load the file config/settings-<environment>.yml where <environment> is whatever Rails environment you happen to be running.

Inline Namespaces

If having a file per namespace value isn't your thing, you can inline your namespaces. Taking the example from above, rather than having settings.yml, settings-development.yml, settings-test.yml, settings-staging.yml and settings-production.yml, you could do something like this:

# settings.yml

    username: my_development_username
    password: my_development_password`

    username: my_test_username
    password: my_test_password`

    username: my_staging_username
    password: my_staging_password`

    username: my_production_username
    password: my_production_password`

You can even mix and match.

# settings.yml

    username: my_development_username
    password: my_development_password`

    username: my_test_username
    password: my_test_password`

    username: my_staging_username
    password: my_staging_password`
# settings-production.yml

  username: my_production_username
  password: my_production_password`

The above will yield the same results, but allows you to keep the production values in a separate file which can be secured separately.

Multiple Namespaces

Multiple namespaces can be defined by passing multiple items to the loader:

Chamber.load( :basepath => '/tmp',
              :namespaces => {
                :environment => -> { ::Rails.env },
                :hostname    => -> { ENV['HOST'] } } )

When accessed within the test environment on a system named tumbleweed, it will load the following files in the following order:

  • settings.yml
  • settings-test.yml
  • settings-tumbleweed.yml

If a file does not exist, it is skipped.

What Happens With Duplicate Entries?

Similarly named settings in later files can override settings defined in earlier files.

If settings.yml contains a value:

  server: ""

And then settings-test.yml contains this:

  server: ""

The when you access the value with Chamber[:smtp][:server] you will receive

Outputting Your Settings

Chamber makes it dead simple to output your environment settings in a variety of formats.

The simplest is:

# => MY_SETTING="my value" MY_OTHER_SETTING="my other value"

But you can pass other options to customize the string:

  • pair_separator
  • value_surrounder
  • name_value_separator
Chamber.to_s pair_separator:        "\n",
             value_surrounder:      "'",
             name_value_separator:  ': '

# => MY_SETTING: 'my value'
# => MY_OTHER_SETTING: 'my other value'

The chamber Command Line App

Chamber provides a flexible binary that you can use to make working with your configurations easier. Let's take a look:

Common Options

Each of the commands described below takes a few common options.

  • --preset (or -p): Allows you to quickly set the basepath, files and/or namespaces for a given situation (eg working with a Rails app).

Example: --preset=rails

  • --files (or -f): Allows you to specifically set the file patterns that Chamber should look at in determining where to load settings information from.

Example: --files=/path/to/my/application/secret.yml /path/to/my/application/settings/*.yml

Example: --basepath=/path/to/my/application

  • --namespaces (or -n): The namespace values which will be considered for loading settings files.

Example: --namespaces=development

Note: --basepath, --preset and --files are mutually exclusive.


Settings Commands

Gives users an easy way of looking at all of the settings that Chamber knows about for a given context. It will be output as a hash of hashes by default.

  • --as-env: Instead of outputting the settings as a hash of hashes, convert the settings into environment variable-compatible versions.

Example: --as-env

Example: chamber settings show -p=rails


Very useful for troubleshooting, this will output all of the files that Chamber considers relevant based on the given options passed.

Additionally, the order is significant. Chamber will load settings from the top down so any duplicate items in subsequent entries will override items from previous ones.

Example: chamber settings files -p=rails


Will display a diff of the settings for one set of namespaces vs the settings for a second set of namespaces.

This is extremely handy if, for example, you would like to see whether the settings you're using for development match up with the settings you're using for production, or if you're setting all of the same settings for any two environments.

  • --keys-only: This is the default. When performing a comparison, only the keys will be considered since values between namespaces will often (and should often) be different.

Example: --keys-only, --no-keys-only

  • --first: This is an array of the first set of namespace settings that you would like to compare from. You can list one or more.

Example: --first=development, --first=development my_host_name

  • --second: This is an array of the second set of namespace settings that you would like to compare against that specified by --first. You can list one or more.

Example: --second=staging, --second=staging my_host_name

Example: chamber settings compare --first=development --second=staging -p=rails


As we described above, working with Heroku environment variables is tedious at best. Chamber gives you a few ways to help with that.

Note: I'll be using the --preset shorthand -p for brevity below but the examples will work with any of the other options described above.

Heroku Common Options
  • --app (or -a): Heroku application name for which you would like to affect its environment variables.

Example: --app=my-heroku-app-name

  • --dry-run (or -d): The command will not actually execute, but will show you a summary of what would have happened.

Example: --dry-run

  • --only-ignored (or -o): This is the default. Because Heroku has no issues reading from the config files you have stored in your repo, there is no need to set all of your settings as environment variables. So by default, Chamber will only convert and push those settings which have been gitignored.

To push everything, use the --no-only-ignored flag.

Example: --only-ignored, --no-only-ignored

Heroku Commands

As we described above, this command will take your current settings and push them to Heroku as environment variables that Chamber will be able to understand.

Example: chamber heroku push -a=my-heroku-app -p=rails -n=staging

Note: To see exactly how Chamber sees your settings as environment variables, see the chamber settings show command above.


Will display the list of environment variables that you have set on your Heroku instance.

This is similar to just executing heroku config --shell except that you can specify the following option:

  • --into: The file which the pulled settings will be copied into. This file will be overridden.

Note: Eventually this will be parsed into YAML that Chamber can load straight away, but for now, it's basically just redirecting the output.

Example: --into=/path/to/my/app/settings/heroku.yml

Example: chamber heroku pull -a=my-heroku-app --into=/path/to/my/app/heroku.yml


Will use git's diff function to display the difference between what Chamber knows about locally and what Heroku currently has set. This is very handy for knowing what changes may be made if chamber heroku push is executed.

Example: chamber heroku diff -a=my-heroku-app -p=rails -n=staging


Will remove any environment variables from Heroku that Chamber knows about. This is useful for clearing out Chamber-related settings without touching Heroku addon-specific items.

Example: chamber heroku clear -a=my-heroku-app -p=rails -n=staging

Travis CI

Travis Common Options
  • --dry-run (or -d): The command will not actually execute, but will show you a summary of what would have happened.

Example: --dry-run

  • --only-ignored (or -o): This is the default. Because Travis has no issues reading from the config files you have stored in your repo, there is no need to set all of your settings as environment variables. So by default, Chamber will only convert and push those settings which have been gitignored.

To push everything, use the --no-only-ignored flag.

Example: --only-ignored, --no-only-ignored

Travis Commands

Travis CI allows you to use the public key on your Travis repo to encrypt items such as environment variables which you would like for Travis to be able to have access to, but which you wouldn't necessarily want to be in plain text inside of your repo.

This command takes the settings that Chamber knows about, encrypts them, and puts them inside of your .travis.yml at which point they can be safely committed.

Warning: This will delete all of your previous 'secure' entries under '' in your .travis.yml file.

Example: chamber travis secure -p=rails -n=continuous_integration

Basic Boolean Conversion

One of the things that is a huge pain when dealing with environment variables is that they can only be strings. Unfortunately this is kind of a problem for settings which you would like to use to set whether a specific item is enabled or disabled. Because this:

# settings.yml

  enabled: false
if Chamber.env.my_feature.enabled?
  # Do stuff with my feature

Will always return true because false becomes 'false' on Heroku which, as far as Ruby is concerned, is true. Now, you could completely omit the enabled key, however this causes issues if you would like to audit your settings (say for each environment) to make sure they are all the same. Some will have the enabled setting and some will not, which will give you false positives.

You could work around it by doing this:

if Chamber.env.my_feature.enabled == 'true'
  # Do stuff with my feature

but that looks awful.

To solve this problem, Chamber reviews all of your settings values and, if they are any of the following exact strings (case insensitive):

  • 'false'
  • 'f'
  • 'no'
  • 'true'
  • 't'
  • 'yes'

The value will be converted to the proper Boolean value. In which case the above Chamber.env.my_feature.enabled? will work as expected and your environment audit will pass.

In Order to Add Advanced Functionality

In any case that you need to set configuration options or do advanced post processing on your YAML data, you'll want to create your own object for accessing it. Don't worry, Chamber will take you 98% of the way there.

Just include it like so:

class Settings < Chamber

Now, rather than using Chamber[:application_host] to access your environment, you can simply use Settings[:application_host].

Best Practices

Why Do We Need Chamber?

Don't store sensitive information in git.

A better way to say it is that you should store sensitive information separate from non-sensitive information. There's nothing inherently wrong with storing sensitive information in git. You just wouldn't want to store it in a public repository.

If it weren't for this concern, managing settings would be trivial, easily solved use any number of approaches; e.g., like using YAML and ERB in an initializer.

Organizing Your Settings

We recommend starting with a single config/settings.yml file. Once this file begins to become too unwieldy, you can begin to extract common options (let's say SMTP settings) into another file (perhaps config/settings/smtp.yml).

Keeping Private Settings Private

Obviously the greater the number of files which need to be kept private the more difficult it is to manage the settings. Therefore we suggest beginning with one private file that stores all of your credentials.

Ignoring Settings Files

We recommend adding the following to your .gitignore file:

# Ignore the environment-specific files that contain the real credentials:

# But don't ignore the example file that shows the structure:

Along with any namespace-specific exclusions. For example, if you're using Rails, you may want to exclude some of your environment-specific files:


Full Example

Let's walk through how you might use Chamber to configure your SMTP settings:

# config/settings.yml

  not: "Not Related to SMTP"

# config/settings/smtp.yml

    X-MYAPP-NAME: My Application Name
    X-MYAPP-STUFF: Other Stuff

# config/settings/smtp-staging.yml

  username: my_test_user
  password: my_test_password

Now you can access both username and headers off of smtp like so:

# => { X-MYAPP-NAME: 'My Application Name', X-MYAPP-STUFF: 'Other Stuff' }

# => my_test_password



I'd love to hear of other gems and/or approaches to settings!


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request