
Simple library for interacting with the Cloudflare API.


gem install cfc

If you're installing for development/contribution, just clone the repository.


Once you've required the gem, you must then configure it with required credentials before you can use it. You can do this by calling CFC::Config.configure, as shown below. You must provide a valid API token for the gem to use in API requests.

CFC::Config.configure do |config|
  config.token = 'your_api_token_here'

You can then use the library either by instantiating CFC::API and using that class to send API requests directly, or, for simpler tasks, you can use pre-provided objects in lib/objects/, which represent a data type from the Cloudflare API and may provide methods to perform common or simple tasks on those types. See lib/scripts/clear_cache.rb for an example of how this may be done with CFC::Zone objects.


As with all Codidact projects, contributions are welcome and must adhere to the Codidact Code of Conduct. Please create an issue to discuss any major changes you propose to make, or if you think your changes may not be accepted for any reason—we'd always rather discuss something unnecessarily than have to reject someone's hard work.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license, which may be found in the LICENSE file.