
CEX.IO API integration. Ruby gem.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cexio'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cexio


How to use?

1. Create your ruby project

2. Add "require 'cexio'")

3. Create class

  api = CEX::API(username, api_key, api_secret)
username - your username on cex.io
api_key - your API key
api_secret - your API secret code

4. Methods and parameters:

a) API method parametrs

1. couple = ("GHS\BTC" | "BF1\BTC") currency pair
2. since = integer  return trades with tid >= since
3. order_id = integer 
4. ptype = ("sell" | "buy") type of order
5. amount = float 
6. price = float

b) API methods

1. ticker(couple = 'GHS/BTC') - get ticker
2. order_book(couple = 'GHS/BTC') - get order
3. trade_history(since = 1, couple = 'GHS/BTC') -  get all order
4. balance() - get your balance
5. current_orders(couple = 'GHS/BTC') - get open order
6. cancel_order(order_id) - cancel order â„–order_id
7. place_order(ptype = 'buy', amount = 1, price = 1, couple = 'GHS/BTC') - create order

c) Full API documentation: https://cex.io/api

5. Examples

Connect and get balance:

 # -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-
require 'rubygems'
require 'cexio'

cex = CEX::API.new(username, api_key, api_secret)
puts cex.balance

{'timestamp': '1383379054', 'BTC': {'available': '0.04614310', 'orders': '0.00170000'}, 'GHS': {'available': '0.02000000'}}

Get balance:

puts cex.balance
{'timestamp': '1383379054', 'BTC': {'available': '0.04614310', 'orders': '0.00170000'}, 'GHS': {'available': '0.02000000'}}

Get API ticker:

puts cex.ticker('GHS/BTC')
{u'volume': '7154.78339022', 'last': '0.1078', 'timestamp': '1383379041', 'bid': '0.10778', 'high': '0.10799999', 'low': '0.10670076', 'ask': '0.10780000000000001'}

Get order book:

puts cex.order_book('BF1/BTC')
{'timestamp': '1383378967', 'bids': [['1.7', '0.30100000'], ['1.67', '0.00011000'], ['0.8', '0.02070000'], ['0.1002', '0.27748002'], ['0.1', '0.10000000'], ['0.011', '0.30500000'], ['0.009', '1.00000000'], ['0.00171', '0.00100000'], ['0.0012', '1.00000000'], ['0.00116819', '0.50000000'], ['0.001002', '33.00000000'], ['0.001001', '53.00000000'], ['0.001', '3.00000000'], ['0.00097626', '36.00000000'], ['0.0006', '85.00000000'], ['0.00058409', '0.50000000'], ['0.0004889', '0.06823960'], ['0.0003', '1.00000000'], ['0.00029204', '0.90000000'], ['0.0001', '101.00000000']], 'asks': []}

Get your current active orders:

puts cex.current_orders('BF1/BTC')
[{'price': '1.7', 'amount': '0.00100000', 'time': '1383378514737', 'type': 'buy', 'id': '6219104', 'pending': '0.00100000'}]

Place new order:

puts cex.place_order('buy', 0.001, 1.7, 'BF1/BTC')
{'price': '1.7', 'amount': '0.00100000', 'time': 1383378987622, 'type': 'buy', 'id': '6219145', 'pending': '0.00100000'}

Place another order (GHS/BTC):

puts cex.place_order('buy', 0.01, 0.10789, 'GHS/BTC')
{'price': '0.10789', 'amount': '0.01000000', 'time': 1383379024072, 'type': 'buy', 'id': '6219150', 'pending': '0.00000000'}

Cancel order:



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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request