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Certificate Factory

Automagically generate Open Data Certificates from a CKAN Dataset or atom feed.

Getting started

Clone the repo

git clone

Add some environment variables

  • Create a file named .env
  • Add the following you your newly-created file:


You can get your API key from your Account page when logged into the Open Data Certificates website

If you are running your own instance of Open Data Certificates (such as on your own machine), simply replace the BASE_URL with the URL of the instance you want to generate certificates on.

Run some commands!

To generate a single certificate from a CKAN dataset, run the following:

rake generate:certificate URL="{CKAN dataset URL}"

To generate multiple certificates as part of a campaign run the following:

rake generate:certificates CAMPAIGN=name URL=""

This will iterate through the feed and queue up all datasets in the feed by default, if you want to limit it specify a LIMIT parameter like so:

rake generate:certificates CAMPAIGN=name URL="" LIMIT=2

By default it will store the links to result urls in CAMPAIGN.csv you can change this by specifying an OUTPUT parameter in case you want a descriptive campaign name but a simpler result outputfile:

rake generate:certificates OUTPUT=output.csv CAMPAIGN=name URL="" LIMIT=2

If you want to collect the results of the campaign run in a csv file then you can run:

rake generate:results FILE=output.csv RESULTS=results.csv

Specifying the output of the generate task as FILE. This will collect the results of the import, waiting for each job to finish.