cells-hamlit2 Build Status

Temporary workaround version of cells-hamlit until https://github.com/trailblazer/cells-hamlit/issues/6 is closed.


Add these lines to your application's Gemfile:

gem "cells-hamlit2"
gem "hamlit"

HTML Escaping

Cells doesn't escape except when you tell it to do. However, you may run into problems when using Rails helpers. Internally, those helpers often blindly escape. This is not Cells' fault but a design flaw in Rails.

As a first step, try this and see if it helps.

class SongCell < Cell::ViewModel
  include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper
  include Cell::Hamlit # include Haml _after_ AV helpers.

  # ..

If that doesn't work, read the docs.


This gem works with Tilt 1.4 and 2.0, and hence allows you to use it from Rails 3.2 upwards.