
Xcode File Generator for Clean Code architecture

How to install

cd ccios
gem build ccios.gemspec
gem install ./ccios-x.x.x.gem

How to use

Go to your .xcodeproj folder cd /paht/to/my/xcodeproj. Then generate files with prefix Example:

ccios [-p|-i|-r|-c] Example [-d]

Generated templates can be found here


-p stands for presenter

This generates 4 files: ExampleViewController, ExampleViewContract, ExamplePresenter, ExamplePresenterImplementation. If the -d option is supplied the protocol ExamplePresenterDelegate will be generated.

What's more it prints the code you need to add to DependencyProvider.swift and PresenterAssembly.swift for dependency injection.

The following structure is created for you in the Xcode project:

+-- App/
|   +-- Example/
|   |   +-- UI/
|   |   |   +-- View/
|   |   |   +-- ViewController/
|   |   |   |   +-- ExampleViewController
|   |   |   +-- ExampleViewContract
|   |   +-- Presenter/
|   |   |   +-- ExamplePresenter
|   |   |   +-- ExamplePresenterImplementation
|   |   +-- Model/


-i stands for interactor

This generates 2 files: ExampleInteractor and ExampleInteractorImplementation.

What's more it prints the code you need to add to InteractorAssembly.swift for dependency injection.

The following structure is created for you in the Xcode project:

+-- Core/
|   +-- Interactor/
|   |   +-- ExampleInteractor/
|   |   |   +-- ExampleInteractor
|   |   |   +-- ExampleInteractorImplementation


-r stands for repository

This generates 2 files: ExampleRepository and ExampleRepositoryImplementation.

What's more it prints the code you need to add to RepositoryAssembly.swift for dependency injection.

The following structure is created for you in the Xcode project:

+-- Core/
|   +-- Data/
|   |   +-- Example
|   |   |   +-- ExampleRepository
+-- Data/
|   +-- Example
|   |   +-- ExampleRepositoryImplementation


-c stands for coordinator

This generates one file: ExampleCoordinator. If the -d option is supplied the protocol ExampleCoordinatorDelegate will be generated.

The following structure is created for you in the Xcode project:

+-- Coordinator/
|   +-- ExampleCoordinator