The Crystal Commerce Debugging Kit


CCDK is a set of tools made to ease development of Rails applications developed at Crystal Commerce. It includes both executable scripts and modules that can be mixed into classes to help debug. The code herein is not designed to be run as part of a production application, just for use while building one.

Included Executables

  • cc_track_user


cc_track_user is a script that will search a Rails log file for a specific IP address and display the actions that the user has performed. This can be helpful in tracking the steps a user took to get their session into a particular state.


cc_track_user IP_ADDR FILE [FILE ...]

  • IP_ADDR is the ip address to track
  • FILE is a a file (or list of files) to search across

If any the file names passed to cc_track_user end in .gz, cc_track_user will assume that they have been gzipped when it opens them. This makes it easy to follow a user's actions across several days of logs without having to unzip the file first.

It is suggested to pass the files to cc_track_user from oldest to newest so the output is chronological.

Included Modules

  • Ccdk::TDump


TDump is a module that allows you to display a templated representation of a record using the #tdump method. It can be passed a filename, a string template, an erb object, or an IO (really anything that responds to #read).


car.tdump('I have a <%= year %> <%= make %> <%= model %>')
