CBOR Simple

gem 'cbor-simple'

A basic but extensible implementation of CBOR (RFC7049) in plain ruby.

Use just like JSON or YAML:

CBOR.dump(42)           # => "\x18\x2a"
CBOR.load("\x18\x2a")   # => 42

You can add custom tags like this:

CBOR.register_tag 0 do |raw|

And add classes for dumping:

CBOR.register_class Time, 0 do |val|

Custom tags can also be given as second parameter to load, however this should be considered unstable and might change in the future.

# Invert values tagged with 0x26 (nonstandard!)
CBOR.load("\xd8\x26\xf5", {0x26 => -> (raw) { !raw }})  # => false

Currently supported classes:

  • (Unsigned) Integers
  • Floats (single and double)
  • Byte / Textstring (also symbols)
  • Arrays
  • Hashes
  • BigDecimals
  • UUIDs (if the gem uuidtools is visible)
  • Times