
Gem Version CircleCI

React Native + Expo project generator for Platanus


$ gem install cavendish

Or add to your Gemfile:

gem "cavendish"
bundle install


Cavendish uses Yarn under the hood, so make sure that you've installed in your system before running the generator.

Use the cavendish create command to create a new project:

$ cavendish create <project-name>

This command will ask for your preferences on some packages and generate a full React Native + Expo project with:

  • ESLint
  • Testing with Jest (either with @testing-library/react-native or enzyme)
  • A base @react-navigation config for navigation and screens
  • A base tailwind-rn for managing styles
  • CI configuration for CircleCI
  • An initialized Git repository

The generator uses the expo-cli to generate a blank managed workflow project. Bare workflow projects are not supported for now.


To run the specs you need to execute, in the root path of the gem, the following command:

bundle exec guard

You need to put all your tests in the /my_gem/spec/ directory.


On master/main branch...

  1. Change VERSION in lib/cavendish/version.rb.
  2. Change Unreleased title to current version in
  3. Run bundle install.
  4. Commit new release. For example: Releasing v0.1.0.
  5. Create tag. For example: git tag v0.1.0.
  6. Push tag. For example: git push origin v0.1.0.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Thank you contributors!


Cavendish is maintained by platanus.


Cavendish is © 2021 platanus, spa. It is free software and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.