Ruby SDK for Castle

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Castle analyzes device, location, and interaction patterns in your web and mobile apps and lets you stop account takeover attacks in real-time..


Add the castle-rb gem to your Gemfile

gem 'castle-rb'


Framework configuration

Load and configure the library with your Castle API secret in an initializer or similar.

Castle.api_secret = 'YOUR_API_SECRET'

A Castle client instance will be made available as castle in your

  • Rails controllers when you add require 'castle/support/rails'

  • Padrino controllers when you add require 'castle/support/padrino'

  • Sinatra app when you add require 'castle/support/sinatra' (and additionally explicitly add register Sinatra::Castle to your Sinatra::Base class if you have a modular application)

require 'castle/support/sinatra'

class ApplicationController < Sinatra::Base
  register Sinatra::Castle
  • Hanami when you add require 'castle/support/hanami' and include Castle::Hanami to your Hanami application
require 'castle/support/hanami'

module Web
  class Application < Hanami::Application
    include Castle::Hanami

Client configuration

Castle.configure do |config|
  # Same as setting it through Castle.api_secret
  config.api_secret = 'secret'

  # For authenticate method you can set failover strategies: allow(default), deny, challenge, throw
  config.failover_strategy = :deny

  # Castle::RequestError is raised when timing out in milliseconds (default: 500 milliseconds)
  config.request_timeout = 2000

  # Whitelisted and Blacklisted headers are case insensitive and allow to use _ and - as a separator, http prefixes are removed
  # Whitelisted headers
  # By default, the SDK sends all HTTP headers, except for Cookie and Authorization.
  # If you decide to use a whitelist, the SDK will:
  # - always send the User-Agent header
  # - send scrubbed values of non-whitelisted headers
  # - send proper values of whitelisted headers.
  # @example
  #   config.whitelisted = ['X_HEADER']
  #   # will send { 'User-Agent' => 'Chrome', 'X_HEADER' => 'proper value', 'Any-Other-Header' => true }
  # We highly suggest using blacklist instead of whitelist, so that Castle can use as many data points
  # as possible to secure your users. If you want to use the whitelist, this is the minimal
  # amount of headers we recommend:
  config.whitelisted = Castle::Configuration::DEFAULT_WHITELIST

  # Blacklisted headers take precedence over whitelisted elements
  # We always blacklist Cookie and Authentication headers. If you use any other headers that
  # might contain sensitive information, you should blacklist them.
  config.blacklisted = ['HTTP-X-header']

  # Castle needs the original IP of the client, not the IP of your proxy or load balancer.
  # we try to fetch proper ip based on X-Forwarded-For, X-Client-Id or Remote-Addr headers in that order
  # but sometimes proper ip may be stored in different header or order could be different.
  # SDK can extract ip automatically for you, but you must configure which ip_headers you would like to use
  configuration.ip_headers = []

  # Additionally to make X-Forwarded-For or X-Client-Id work better discovering client ip address,
  # and not the address of a reverse proxy server, you can define trusted proxies
  # which will help to fetch proper ip from those headers
  configuration.trusted_proxies = []
  # *Note: proxies list can be provided as an array of regular expressions
  # *Note: default always marked as trusty list is here: Castle::Configuration::TRUSTED_PROXIES

Event Context

The client will automatically configure the context for each request.

Overriding Default Context Properties

If you need to modify the event context properties or if you desire to add additional properties such as user traits to the context, you can pass the properties in as options to the method of interest. An example:

request_context = ::Castle::Client.to_context(request)
track_options = ::Castle::Client.to_options({
  event: ::Castle::Events::LOGIN_SUCCEEDED,
  properties: {
    key: 'value'
  user_traits: {
    key: 'value'


Here is a simple example of a track event.

    event: ::Castle::Events::LOGIN_SUCCEEDED,
rescue Castle::Error => e
  puts e.message


Castle::SecureMode.signature(user_id) will create a signed user_id.

Async tracking

By default Castle sends requests synchronously. To eg. use Sidekiq to send requests in a background worker you can pass data to the worker:


class CastleTrackingWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform(context, track_options = {})
    client =


request_context = ::Castle::Client.to_context(request)
track_options = ::Castle::Client.to_options({
  event: ::Castle::Events::LOGIN_SUCCEEDED,
  properties: {
    key: 'value'
  user_traits: {
    key: 'value'
CastleTrackingWorker.perform_async(request_context, track_options)


List of Recognized Events can be found here or in the docs

Impersonation mode


Castle::Error will be thrown if the Castle API returns a 400 or a 500 level HTTP response. You can also choose to catch a more finegrained error.


Official Castle docs