require 'castanet'

%%{ machine ticket_validate;

action save_username { r.username = buffer; buffer = '' } action save_failure_code { r.failure_code = buffer; buffer = '' } action save_failure_reason { r.failure_reason = buffer.strip; buffer = '' } action save_pgt_iou { r.pgt_iou = buffer; buffer = '' } action save_proxy { r.proxies << buffer; buffer = '' } action set_authenticated { r.ok = true }

include common "common.rl";

# Leaf tags # ---------

pgt_iou = "cas:proxyGrantingTicket" ticket @buffer "/cas:proxyGrantingTicket" %save_pgt_iou; proxy = "cas:proxy" char_data @buffer "/cas:proxy" %save_proxy; user = "cas:user" char_data @buffer "/cas:user" %save_username;

# Non-leaf tags # -------------

authentication_failure_start = ""; authentication_failure_end = "/cas:authenticationFailure";

authentication_success_start = "cas:authenticationSuccess"; authentication_success_end = "/cas:authenticationSuccess"; proxies = "cas:proxies" ( space* proxy space* )* "/cas:proxies";

# Top-level elements # ------------------

ok_cas_st = ( service_response_start space* authentication_success_start space* user space* pgt_iou? space* proxies? space* authentication_success_end space* service_response_end ) @set_authenticated;

failed_cas_st = ( service_response_start space* authentication_failure_start failure_reason %save_failure_reason authentication_failure_end space* service_response_end );

main := ok_cas_st | failed_cas_st; }%%

module Castanet::Responses ## # A parsed representation of responses from /serviceValidate or # /proxyValidate. # # The responses for the above services are identical, so we implement their # parser with the same state machine. # # The code in this class implements a state machine generated by Ragel. The # state machine definition is in ticket_validate.rl. # # @see CAS 2.0 protocol, sections 2.5, 2.6, # and appendix A class TicketValidate ## # Whether or not this response passed CAS authentication. # # @return [Boolean] attr_accessor :ok

alias_method :ok?, :ok

# The failure code returned on authentication failure.
# @return [String, nil]
attr_accessor :failure_code

# The reason given by the CAS server for authentication failure.
# @return [String, nil]
attr_accessor :failure_reason

# The PGT IOU returned by an authentication success message.
# @return [String, nil]
attr_accessor :pgt_iou

# A list of authentication proxies for this ticket.
# Each participant in an authentication chain adds one entry to this list.
# As an example, assume the existence of two services:
# 1. frontend
# 2. backend
# If `frontend` proxied access to `backend`, the proxy list would be
# 1. backend
# 2. frontend
# The proxy chain has an unbounded maximum length.  The proxy order
# specified in the CAS response is preserved.
# For proxy tickets that fail validation, this will be an empty list.  It
# should also be an empty list for service tickets too, although that's
# really up to the CAS server.
# Although this list is technically a valid component of an authentication
# response issued by `/serviceValidate`, it's really only applicable to
# proxy tickets.
# @see CAS 2.0 protocol, section 2.6.2
# @return [Array]
attr_accessor :proxies

# The name of the owner of the validated service or proxy ticket.
# This information is only present on authentication success.
# @return [String, nil]
attr_accessor :username

# Generates a {TicketValidate} object from a CAS response.
# @param [String] response the CAS response
# @return [TicketValidate}
def self.from_cas(response)
  data = response.strip.unpack('U*')
  buffer = ''

  %% write init;

  new.tap do |r|
    %% write exec;

def initialize
  self.ok = false
  self.proxies = []

%% write data;

end end