Capybara on Crack

Ever become frustrated that Capybara doesn't do what you want it to do? Solution in these situations is always: CRACK!

Capybara on Crack is a set of patches on top of Capybara that makes it do what you actually want it to do.


Not every app is a run of the mill, load page, post form, check results. Sometimes you need some complex client/server interactions.

Maybe Capybara isn't the tool for this job. I don't know yet. But every other solution is broken in 1000 more ways than Capybara. So... let's see if we can try to force Capybara to do what we want.

Help out?

Wish Capybara did something? Help out!

Features (planned)

Getting and Setting Cookies

Hurray, you can now get/set cookies with Capybara

example code

Rack-Test driver that doesn't suck

Capybara on Crack has lots of extensions to the Rack-Test driver that allows you to do things that Capybara doesn't want you to do when it's sober.

example code

Subdomain handling

Yes, people use subdomains. It shouldn't be a royal pain in the ass to test it.

example code