
Extends capybara-screenshot with inline image output.

In iTerm2 (nightly):

Screenshot of iTerm2

In Buildkite:

Screenshot of Buildkite


In your Gemfile simply replace capybara-screenshot with capybara-inline-screenshot:

gem 'capybara-inline-screenshot'


And where you initialize Capybara simply replace your call to:

require 'capybara-screenshot/rspec'


require 'capybara-inline-screenshot/rspec'


For cucumber we use a different file

require 'capybara-inline-screenshot/cucumber'

The final step is to configure your build steps to upload the screenshot artifacts. The default path is your app’s tmp directory, so the artifact upload pattern would be tmp/*.png


Thanks the wonder of ANSI escape codes if your terminal client doesn't understand the escape codes it'll simply ignore them—it'll just be be like using the standard capybara-screenshot gem.


If the CI environment variable is present screenshots will be output in the Terminal artifact:// format with the expectation that the images are uploaded as build artifacts and inlined by your CI system. You can also force this mode by setting the environment variable CAPYBARA_INLINE_SCREENSHOT=artifact.

If the CI environment variable is not present screenshots will be output in the base64 encoded iTerm2 image format for viewing in a local terminal. You'll need the nightly release of iTerm to see the images.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).