

Ruby (Rails) SDK for the Caplinked API.

Core information security endpoints for managing your virtual data room capabilities around files/folders, users/groups and permissions, uploads/downloads, dynamic watermarking, DRM (digital rights management) and more.

Vist Caplinked for more information.

Quick start guide:

Add Rubygem to Bundle:

gem 'caplinked-api'

Assign Client

require 'caplinked-api'

client = api_host: '', api_scheme: 'https'

client.api_key = 'YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY'
client.api_secret_key = 'YOUR_SECRET_API_KEY'
client.api_user_token = 'USER_RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER_TOKEN'

Get User Info

# Info about the current user (in this case John Smith, an organization admin)


# response
  "id": 9818,
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Smith",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
  "user_token": "fc39b9012e47a5713932094065e17fb7ab76e83d"

# As an organization admin, list all members of your organization


# response
  "users": [
      "id": 9818,
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Smith",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
      "user_token": "fc39b9012e47a5713932094065e17fb7ab76e83d"
      "organization_admin": true
      "id": 9820,
      "first_name": "Jina",
      "last_name": "Baker",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
      "user_token": "e05b83c6714120fb87a176241bc2031f22f5cf4a",
      "organization_admin": false

Make API calls for a different user resource

# Switch to Jina's user token

client.api_user_token = 'e05b83c6714120fb87a176241bc2031f22f5cf4a'


# response
  "id": 9820,
  "first_name": "Jina",
  "last_name": "Baker",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
  "user_token": "e05b83c6714120fb87a176241bc2031f22f5cf4a"


Get Workspace Activities:

get_workspace_activities = client.client.get_workspace_activities workspace_id: 1, user_id: user[:id]


Create a zip file

create_zip_file = client.create_zip_file workspace_id: 1, download: { folder_ids: [folder[:id], folder[:id]] }

Download a single file

single_file_download = client.single_file_download file_id: file_info[:id], workspace_id: 1

Download status

download_status = client.download_status workspace_id: 1

Delete download

delete_download = client.delete_download id: download[:id], workspace_id: 1

Get zip

get_zip = client.get_zip id: download[:id], workspace_id: 1


Upload a File:

new_file = client.upload_file workspace_id: 1, folder_id: 1, file_name: 'test_photo.jpg', file:'/your/local/test_photo.jpg')

Get File info:

file_info = client.get_file_info id: new_file[:id], workspace_id: 1

Delete File:

delete_file = client.delete_file workspace_id: 1, id: file_info[:id]

Update File info:

update_file = client.update_file_info workspace_id: 1, id: file_info[:id], 'file[title]': 'name', 'file[index]': file[:index]

Copy File:

copy_file = client.copy_file id: file_info[:id], workspace_id: 1, destination_folder_id: folder[:id]

Move File:

move_file = client.move_file id: file_info[:id], workspace_id: 1, destination_folder_id: folder[:id]


Create a folder

create_a_new_folder = client.create_a_new_folder workspace_id: 1, parent_id: folder[:id], name: 'name'

Delete folder

delete_folder = client.delete_folder workspace_id: 1, id: folder[:id]

Get folder info

get_folder_info = client.get_folder_info workspace_id: 1, id: folder[:id]

Update folder info

update_folder_info = client.update_folder_info id: folder[:id], workspace_id: 1, folder: { name: 'name', index: folder[:index]}

Copy folder

copy_folder = client.copy_folder id: folder[:id], workspace_id: 1, destination_folder_id: folder[:id]

Move folder

move_folder = client.move_folder id: folder[:id], workspace_id: 1, destination_folder_id: folder[:id]


List all groups in workspace

list_all_groups_in_workspace = client.list_all_groups_in_workspace workspace_id: 1

Create group

create_group = client.create_group group: {name: 'name', workspace_id: 1, file_managing_abilities: false}

Update group

update_group = client.update_group id: group[:id], workspace_id: 1, group: {name: 'name', file_managing_abilities: true}

Get group info

get_group_info = client.get_group_info id: group[:id], workspace_id: 1

Delete group

get_group_info = client.get_group_info id: group[:id], workspace_id: 1

Update group drm

update_group_drm = client.update_group_drm id: group[:id], workspace_id: 1, group: {drm_enabled: true, drm_expires_after: 'YYYY-MM-DD'}

Disable drm expiration

disable_drm_expiration = client.disable_drm_expiration id: group[:id], workspace_id: 1

Watermarking for group

watermarking_for_group = client.watermarking_for_group id: group[:id], workspace_id: 1, group: {watermarking: true}

Enable access expiration

enable_access_expiration = client.enable_access_expiration id: group[:id], workspace_id: 1, group: {expire_workspace_access_at: "YYYY-MM-DD"}

Disable access expiration

disable_access_expiration = client.disable_access_expiration id: group[:id], workspace_id: 1

Add group member

add_group_member = client.add_group_member id: group[:id], user_id: user[:id], workspace_id: 1, send_email: false

Remove group member

remove_group_member = client.remove_group_member id: group[:id], user_id: user[:id], workspace_id: 1

List all group members

list_all_group_members = client.list_all_group_members id: group[:id], workspace_id: 1


Get organization info

get_organization_info = client.get_organization_info

Update organization info

update_organization_info = client.update_organization_info name: 'name', description: 'description', location: 'location', billing_email: 'billing email address', url: 'url'

Update organization support info

update_organization_support_info = client.update_organization_support_info email: 'support email', phone_number: 'support phone number', website: 'support website'

Add organization member

add_organization_member = client.add_organization_member user_id: user[:id]

remove organization member

remove_organization_member = client.remove_organization_member user_id: 101

show organization members

show_organization_members = client.show_organization_members


Get folder permissions

get_folder_permissions = client.get_folder_permissions id: folder[:id], workspace_id: 1, group_id: group[:id]

Update folder permissions

update_folder_permissions = client.update_folder_permissions id: folder[:id], workspace_id: 1, group_id: group[:id], verb: 'grant', folder_action: 'download'


Create team

Note: The creating user is automatically added to a team. Trying to add the same user again will throw a Caplinked::Error.

create_team = client.create_team team: { name: 'name', allowed_workspaces: 5, allowed_admins: 5, drm_enabled: false, watermarking: false, suppress_emails: false }

Get list of teams within the organization

get_team_list = client.get_list_of_teams

Get team info

get_team_info = client.get_team_info id: team[:id]

Update team info

update_team = client.update_team_info id: 183, team: { name: 'name', allowed_workspaces: 10, allowed_admins: 10, drm_enabled: true, watermarking: true, suppress_emails: true }

Add team member

add_team_member = client.add_team_member id: team[:id], user_id: user[:id]

Remove team member

remove_team_member = client.remove_team_member id: team[:id], user_id: user[:id]

Get list of team members

get_list_of_team_members = client.get_list_of_team_members id: team[:id]


Create user

create_user = client.create_user user: { email: 'email address', first_name: 'first name', last_name: 'last name', time_zone: "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" }

Get user info

 = client.

Update user

update_user = client.update_user user: { email: 'new email address'}

Delete user

result = client.delete_user user: { id: 32523 }


Get Watermark Setting

client.get_watermark id: 12345

Create Watermark Setting

client.create_watermark team_id: 123, custom_text: 'this is my watermark text'

Update Watermark Setting

client.update_watermark id: 1234, custom_text: 'new text', rotation: -45, opacity: .8

Delete Watermark Setting

client.delete_watermark id: 1234

List all Watermark Settings for a team

client.get_list_of_team_watermarks id: 3456


List all workspaces for a team

list_all_workspaces_for_a_team = client.list_all_workspaces_for_a_team team_id: team[:id]

Create Workspace

Note: The user creating the workspace will automatically be added to that workspace.

create_workspace = client.create_workspace team_id: team[:id], workspace: { name: 'name'}

Get Workspace info

get_workspace_info = client.get_workspace_info id: workspace[:id]

Update workspace info

update_workspace_info = client.update_workspace_info id: workspace[:id], workspace: {name: "name name"}