Capistrano Unicorn

Capistrano plugin that integrates Unicorn tasks into capistrano deployment script.


Install library from rubygems:

gem install capistrano-unicorn



Add the library to your Gemfile:

group :development do
  gem 'capistrano-unicorn', :require => false

And load it into your deployment script config/deploy.rb:

require 'capistrano-unicorn'

Add unicorn restart task hook:

after 'deploy:restart', 'unicorn:reload' # app IS NOT preloaded
after 'deploy:restart', 'unicorn:restart'  # app preloaded

Create a new configuration file config/unicorn.rb or config/unicorn/STAGE.rb, where stage is your deployment environment.

Example config - examples/rails3.rb. Please refer to unicorn documentation for more examples and configuration options.


First, make sure you're running the latest release:

cap deploy

Then you can test each individual task:

cap unicorn:start
cap unicorn:stop
cap unicorn:reload


You can modify any of the following options in your deploy.rb config.

  • unicorn_env - Set unicorn environment. Default to rails_env variable.
  • unicorn_pid - Set unicorn PID file path. Default to current_path/tmp/pids/
  • unicorn_bin - Set unicorn executable file. Default to unicorn.
  • unicorn_bundle - Set bundler command for unicorn. Default to bundle.
  • unicorn_user - Launch unicorn master as the specified user. Default to user variable.
  • unicorn_roles - Define which roles to perform unicorn recpies on. Default to :app.
  • unicorn_config_path - Set the directory where unicorn config files reside. Default to current_path/config.
  • unicorn_config_filename - Set the filename of the unicorn config file. Not used in multistage installations. Default to unicorn.rb.


If you are using capistrano multistage, please refer to Using capistrano unicorn with multistage environment.

Available Tasks

To get a list of all capistrano tasks, run cap -T:

cap unicorn:add_worker                # Add a new worker
cap unicorn:remove_worker             # Remove amount of workers
cap unicorn:reload                    # Reload Unicorn
cap unicorn:restart                   # Restart Unicorn
cap unicorn:shutdown                  # Immediately shutdown Unicorn
cap unicorn:start                     # Start Unicorn master process
cap unicorn:stop                      # Stop Unicorn


See LICENSE file for details.