Capistrano::WPCLI for Trellis and Bedrock

Dependency Status

This project is based on capistrano-wpcli and works only with Trellis and Bedrock.

Provides command line tools to facilitate WordPress database and uploads deploy with Trellis and Bedrock.


  • Ruby >= 2.0

Required gems:

  • capistrano (~> 3.6.0)
  • sshkit (~> 1.11.0)
  • bundler (~> 1.12.0)
  • rake (~> 11.2.0)

These can be installed manually with gem install <gem name> but it's highly suggested you use Bundler to manage them. Bundler is basically the Ruby equivalent to PHP's Composer. Just as Composer manages your PHP packages/dependencies, Bundler manages your Ruby gems/dependencies. Bundler itself is a Gem and can be installed via gem install bundler (sudo may be required).

The Gemfile in the root of this repo specifies the required Gems (just like composer.json). Once you have Bundler installed, run bundle install to install the Gems in the Gemfile. When using Bundler, you'll need to prefix the cap command with bundle exec as seen below (this ensures you're not using system Gems which can cause conflicts).


  1. Download the latest release of capistrano-bedrock.
  2. Copy the following capistrano-bedrock files into the root of your Bedrock project:
    • Capfile
    • Gemfile
    • Gemfile.lock
    • (to know which version of capistrano-bedrock are you using)
  3. Copy the content of capistrano-bedrock .gitignore file into the .gitignore file of your Bedrock project.
  4. Copy the following capistrano-bedrock files/folders into your config directory:
    • config/deploy/*
    • config/deploy.rb
  5. Run gem install bundler -v "~>1.12.0" && bundle into the root of your Bedrock project.
  6. Edit your config/deploy.rb configs to set the roles/servers and connection options.
  7. Edit your config/deploy/* stage/environment configs to set the specific roles/servers and connection options for each stage/environment.
  8. Enjoy capistrano-trellis-bedrock-wpcli Tasks.



This plugin needs some configuration to work properly.

Here's the list of available options and the defaults for each option to put in your config/deploy.rb file:

Option Default Usage
set :wpcli_local_url // Url of the WordPress root installation on the local server (used by search-replace command).
set :local_tmp_dir /tmp Absolute path to local directory temporary directory which is read and writeable.
set :wpcli_backup_db false Set to true if you would like to create remote database backup on each push and local database backup on each pull.
set :wpcli_delete_transients true Set to false if you wouldn't like to delete transients on each push and pull. Transients will be removed only on the imported database.
set :wpcli_local_db_backup_dir config/backup Absolute or relative path to local directory for storing database backups which is read and writeable. IMPORTANT: Make sure to add the folder to .gitignore to prevent db backups from being in version control.
set :wpcli_local_uploads_dir web/app/uploads/ Absolute or relative path to local WordPress uploads directory. IMPORTANT: Add trailing slash!
set :wpcli_args ENV['WPCLI_ARGS'] You can pass arguments directly to WP-CLI using this var.
set :format_options, log_file: log/capistrano.log Capistrano's verbose output is saved to this file to facilitate debugging. Set to nil to disable completely. IMPORTANT: Make sure to add the folder to .gitignore to prevent Capistrano logs from being in version control.

Here's the list of available options and the defaults for each option to put in your config/deploy/staging.rb or config/deploy/production.rb file:

Option Default Usage
set :wpcli_remote_url // Url of the WordPress root installation on the remote server (used by search-replace command).
set :wpcli_remote_uploads_dir #{shared_path.to_s}/uploads/ Absolute path to remote WordPress uploads directory. If this option is the same for staging and production, you can put this option in your config/deploy.rb file IMPORTANT: Add trailing slash!

Note: if you are using Trellis with staging and production on same server you probably need to modify this standard configuration.


1. Manage database

  • bundle exec cap staging/production wpcli:db:push - Pushes the local WordPress database to the remote server and replaces the urls (Optionally backs up the remote database before pushing, only if wpcli_backup_db is set to true, see Configuration)

  • bundle exec cap staging/production wpcli:db:pull - Pulls the remote server WordPress database to local and replaces the urls (Optionally backs up the local database before pulling, only if wpcli_backup_db is set to true, see Configuration)

  • bundle exec cap staging/production wpcli:db:backup:remote - Backs up remote staging/production database (uses wpcli_local_db_backup_dir to define the location of the export)

  • bundle exec cap development wpcli:db:backup:local - Backs up local vagrant database (uses wpcli_local_db_backup_dir to define the location of the export)

2. Manage updates

  • bundle exec cap staging/production wpcli:uploads:rsync:push - Pushes the local uploads delta to remote machine using rsync.

  • bundle exec cap staging/production wpcli:uploads:rsync:pull - Pulls the remote uploads delta to local machine using rsync.


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request